Pix of my herd

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Lebanon Pennsylvania
Today was a fun day. Didn't have to go to work so I decided to groom and clip the nails of the rabbits. ;)

I took some pictures to share witcha. :) I don't know how to pose a rabbit the right way yet, I try, but it seems to be more of a comedy show, but I got a few pictures for you to see.

I didn't clip the nails of the 3 pedigreed does before the pix (3 does posted below), I figure they would not be happy after nail clippin. But I did groom them. These 3 does are in molt I suppose because hair just falls off them right now. I tried to get most the loose fur off for the pictures. I dunno what it is with these 3 does nails but they grow at rapid speed unlike my John, Jill, Jean and Jack. I don't even have to clip the nails of John, Jill, Jean and Jack. All these 3 does hock have healed and the fur grew back.

How they look ? Here is the black mini rex Starlight who lost the 4 kits on October 7th. This doe was a handful at first because her hocks were so bad she didn't want to move or be touched at all .. but she came around nice after many days of me grooming her on the table. She did surprisingly when I clipped her nails today.


This here mini rex doe is Splash. She still has traces of yellow on her sides from when I got her, but most is falling off now that she is loosing her fur. Finally, because I couldn't get the yellow outta her fur, I tried everything just about. I bred this doe to Jack on October 7th.


This here mini rex doe is CupCake and the last of my pedigreed mini rex. I really like this doe, she has such soft fur unlike all the rest.


This here is Jack, he has filled out so nice since I have him. He gained almost a pound and looks so much better I think.


This is Jean, or better yet, was Jean until today. Jean is actually a Joe !!! I had a feeling but never bothered to look. Now I know, I seen little gonads. :p Joe is a very small rabbit, I assume a dwarf of some sorts. Although I would like to breed Joe (now that I know he's a buck) to CupCake to see if he's a genetic charlie and maybe get some broken reds or broken castors. If I'm understanding it all right. We shall see. (he has about a dozen spots down the center of his spine that, for the life of me, cannot get on a picture without taking a picture looking down on his back) My son loves this bun, takes him fishing in his backpack and all sorts of adventures.


This here is John a standard rex. He is my favorite rabbit and pretty much just acts like a dog. He is so personable, a great house pet and he even walks with me to the mailbox and back. He isn't afraid of anything. I love this rabbit, he is the King here. Has the whole back yard to run around in, has his own house in the shed and must meet and greet everyone and anything coming into the back yard. He even likes going bye-byes in the old clunker ford truck and of course to the bank to get his carrot treat. Standard Rex's are awesome !!


And Jill. This is the mom to John's 4 kits (I'll post them here tonight, I wanna try to sex them again) I think Jill is prego again by John, he must of tagged her before I knew she even had babies on the 4th. I dunno for sure but she does look plump again. Now that she's been looking plump and bloated this last week - I give John visitation with his babies in my house instead of Jill's hutch. :lol: I would also like to breed Joe to Jill in the future.


So those are all my rabbits (minus John and Jill's 4 kits) Just wanted to share my rabbits with you. Thanks for looking. :p
BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! John goes bye bye in the truck and to the bank for a carrot treat!!!!! :lol: :p I have to tell my kids we need to take one bye bye to the bank!!!
Oh my goodness he must just be an amazing pet. I can't wait to raise up a house pet all my own. And a yard pet too. :)

Your bunnys are beautiful. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to the pics of the kits.
Thanks for the replies.

I have no idea what Joe is other than a charlie and a very small rabbit. He is no bigger than a ham hock. Not even 1/2 the size of the mini rex I have. He is very small. If someone could tell me what he is, that would be great. ;)

Here are some pictures of John and Jill's babies. 19 days old today. I'm having no luck sexing them, they all look like boys to me. (we see how Jean turned out) :roll:




I'm keeping this one. :p



Thanks so much for sharing! Lovely tribe. And have to say John is my favorite. Gorgeous boy! Babies are just getting so big!

not JUST cool pics! Your descriptions are very colorful, as well....good job representing the "family"...I especially liked your story of son taking rabbit fishing...it never ceases to amaze me how much personality rabbits can show, if given encouragement and security.