Pic Heavy - Hannah's 8 and the 2 new does

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Bad Habit

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Sunny Slope Big Star




Winding Path Crystal



Yes, they both could use brushing, lol. Put them both on the scale. Star is 4lbs 11oz, Crystal is 3lbs even.

Hannah's 8




Getting all 8 in one picture was HARD. These were the best of 7.


Monroe, Harley and Freckle (f/m/f)


Harlequin, Little, Big (m/f/f)


Hipster(favourite picture, lol)


Five(Hipster hiding in the back)


I want to keep Five and Hipster. Most of them have names to do with their markings, but I couldn't remember the individual colouring, so shortened it, lol.
Aww, Star looks like Simba from lion King, I want to brush her!
I like the ones with the black on the ears, they look like little pandas!
You really do not want to keep Five and Hister. You want to send them to Ohio! :p And Harlequin too! :D :lol:

Aww... they are sssooo cute! :p
So, are you going to keep one of these and not one of FC's?
Harlequin is actually already reserved, lol.

Dood - The father of these kits was a broken harlequin buck that came to visit on chance one day. Before I got FC and I was desperate to get broken into my herd. Was not pleased with the colour outcome.
awww there really cute
I would love a lion head but I don't think we have them here in Australia?
or if we do there hard to find...
I am very surprised at the large amount of white on these guys!
They look like 'charlies' with 2 broken genes but can only carry one because Hanna isn't broken and the father could not have been a Charlie or else the harlequin would be broken.

Obviously Vienna and broken are not a good mix!

If you plan to keep a kit or two, keep in mind that any Vienna marked blacks or chestnut agoutis can help you get shaded and non extension out of your herd and improve any BEW's eye colour. And I believe Hipster looks like he is a blue like Dobby and will give a reddish cast to his/her BEW offspring.
Well, what are the chances that only the brokens got the vienna? The solid harlequin did not. From what I've heard, there are tons of genetic markers that can affect the quantity of colour on a broken.

As I recall, the buck was relatively lightly marked. I had to focus on his ears to determine that he was, in fact, a broken harlequin.

I'm tempted to keep one, but with three potentially broken litters coming up, and cage space at a premium, I'll probably sell all these guys and hope to get a nicely marked broken from one of the other litters. I'm quite fond of my little "liontots" though, but they don't really have anything to add to my breeding program now. If I hadn't bought the new pedigree animals, I totally would have kept one, or possibly two.
If the buck carried Vienna, and the harlequin could carry it as well but not be marked, then statistically 75% of the kits would carry 1 or 2 Vienna genes.

There are actually only a few genes effecting white, the C locus with himi's 'ch_ 'and REW ' c' the vienna 'vv', the broken 'EN EN' and the Dutch 'du du'

Actually the kits look like Hotot who are Broken Dutch 'EN_ & du du' I wonder if the buck and Hanna carried the Dutch gene and this is how you got these unique kits.
*blink blink*

I don't know anyone who has lionhead x dutch crosses.

No bew, everyone's got at least a bit of colour on them somewhere. It was much more evident before they got fuzzy.

Either way, hoping that someone produces a nicely marked broken for me in the next month. Like I said, I think they're adorable, with their fuzzy whiteness and only touches of colour, but not what I am looking for!
i am not a huge fan of selfs honestly..their boring -.- which is why i wouldnt mind a charlie to throw me brokens all the time lol...charlie tri would be super. lol
I have been looking on the Internet for broken viennas and this 'false hotot' effect has happened to others who breed the two genes and who dont have any Dutch in their bunnies.

I am very interested to see if you get any in your up coming litters. Firecracker was a broken but did he have a Vienna marked parent and are any of the does Vienna marked or possible carriers?
Hannah is due again soon, I bred her back because she was getting pudgy, and I was expecting more colour on my brokens.

Crystal was covered once the day FC left, and she's supposed to be VM as well. Star is solid with no BEW/VM in her pedigree.

Sorry, I just realized it might have seemed I was saying you were wrong about them all getting VM. I don't know about the buck, if he had BEW in his lines or not(he was not pedigreed, just a broken buck who happened to be here and happened to lift). It didn't seem likely to me that all of the broken kits would have gotten VM, when the harlequin doesn't even have a white toenail.

Thank you for going back and editing the dutch + broken post, because it initially confused the heck out of me, lol!

As far as I know, Hannah does not have dutch in her pedigree.

I guess we'll see if Hannah's not right for producing brokens when she kindles this litter. If she's not right for producing brokens, and not right for producing BEW, then I'm not sure what I'll use her to breed for, lol.
It didn't seem likely to me that all of the broken kits would have gotten VM,

Your right, it is not likely at all but nothing is in genetics (or statistics) it is just a roll of the dice and sometimes you roll snake eyes 5 times in a row.

If Hanna had BEW in the past (was it with her brother or Dobby?) then I doubted she had dutch so looked into it further. The extream white in the kits really threw me and then when you asked about all the white genes I suddenly remembered Dutch and the Hotot and put two and two togeather.

and not right for producing BEW

Hanna can give you a BEW kit but IT likely wont win on the show table, if bred it to the right mate then its kits can have the proper eye and get ribbons. You can pretty much show anything with a pedigree - mis-marked, poor type, snotty nose, and can win if someone else brings in a worse looking bun. I dont show very much as I am too much of a germaphobe - but please ask other members about LOCAL showing and how it works, I'm not talking the crazy competitiveness of Nationals or anything.

You say you just want the experience and not the ribbons, so bring them in and give it a try, who knows, if someone brings in a BEW with even more red in the eye, guess what - you win! Hannas type doesnt sound too terrible and she has a fantastic temperament so keep passing that on to her kits.

The eye colour is just one more thing to work on in the long run, just like getting sootyness out of a fawn like Star. Keep breeding better to better and you'll get there.
Well, Hannah is a good girl. I'm not going to let her go any time soon! She has a layoff coming, she should be kindling soon, and then won't be breeding again until April. She is an awesome mum, and a very good girl. This litter and the one she's expecting will both go for pets, though I may keep back a broken. Depends on what Star and Crystal have/don't have.

Her new litter will be interesting to see, as it's by a different broken buck. I don't know that any of her direct offspring will be right for the table, I don't want to make a fool of myself, lol!

I did notice with Hannah's BEW with her brother, the eyes were odd. They were never clear blue, kind of purple-y. If I took a photo with the flash, they looked blue-grey though. She went to a pet home, and the new owners love her though.

I just need to keep things in mind. I can't hold back too many kits to see them grow, so need to be specific in my breeding and hold back selections. I'm hoping to join at least one club this year, now that I have this pedigree stock and can actually see a show in my future.

I'll be sure to post photos of Hannah's next. I hope that both Star and Crystal took on their breeding, it will be very interesting to see. I've never had 3 breeding age does at the same time.
Joining a club is a great idea and attend shows as a spectator would be agood plan as well.

Many breeders trade rabbits or offer matings in exchange for a kit or stud fee, so you don't need to have a house full of bucks.

Hanna and her brother were both blue, hence the purpley eyes, but if that kit had been bred to a rabbit who was Vienna and did not have blue or shaded in it's family tree, the BEW kits would have the sky eyes.