Perennial vine

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The horse safe ones are rabbit safe, aren't they?
W/E my vine is that the horses eat that I posted on here somewhere is rabbit safe.
Honeysuckle is supposed to be safe, no?<br /><br />__________ Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:06 pm __________<br /><br />Oh, it is honeysuckle that I have and the horses, rabbits and goats eat w/o issues.
There are many types, grows as a vine and a semitree.
Mine eat honeysuckle but not often and not in large amounts. It just isn't readily available without a trip out of town and there are better things out there when I go foraging.
There are many types of honeysuckle. Some are safe to eat, others are toxic or have toxic parts. Unless you are very good at plant identification, I'd err on the side of caution.

Kudzu is, apparently, quite tasty for goats and rabbits and such. BUT, if even the smallest piece makes it's way to your soil, it will eat your house. If you have it already, then by all means, let the goats and rabbits eat to their hearts content...that will at least slow the monster down!

I believe that Scarlet Runner Beans are an edible vine that rabbits (wild ones at least) eat with great gusto. Very pretty on a fence or trellis, to.

Edited to add: Scarlet Runner Bean is Phaseolus coccineus.

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