pedigree programs

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You got the one I use, KinTraks. It's easy to use, and it does what I need for it to do. And the price is right.
I had been wanting a web based program to keep track and GlobalPedigree is great! I'd have never known about this if you hadn't posted. Thanks!!
Is there anything for those of us that are broke? lol I mean like a MS access database or an Excel spreadsheet we can use to keep track of all the rabbits and the breeding process and all that?
You can get blank pedigree papers from arba to fill in by hand if you really want to go cheap.
I know some big rabbitries that just fill in those blank pedigrees. The guy I got champagnes and a few mini rex from had well over 100 rabbits and hand wrote every pedigree with binders of them all separated by breed and some by line or color as a filing system. I also got some mini rex with hand written pedigrees and the person probably had 50 hole in the barn but I didn't get a good look at the whole setup. They had their juniors for sale up on the porch.
Thanks for sharing those links. I need to check them out. I have been working on my own Excel but it is not exactly what I want yet.
I Like my Evans register-- and the nice thing is, I DO have on-line and phone support, as well as upgrades. They are working on being able to import and export info to and from other programs-- not entirely 100% compatible, but, every little thing helps, doesn't it?
i use evans. i would NEVER EVER give it up. it does everything and more, and I LOVE the genetics program. True, it was a pretty heavy $90, but I got the 30 day free trial first and I was beyond hooked. I'd never switch to anything else.
raetcd":92w0n5if said:
Is there anything for those of us that are broke? lol I mean like a MS access database or an Excel spreadsheet we can use to keep track of all the rabbits and the breeding process and all that?

I built mine off an MS Excel spreadsheet. It works for me.
Sorry for the shameless plug, but I run the Global Pedigree site. It is a perpetual work in progress, but has really started to take off. I just finished putting up a free, customizable pedigree template and a breeder directory. The link in my signature will start you off with a 30-day free trial. The bonus: if you like it and you refer other breeders, you get six months free for every paid subscription (6 mos. +) you refer. So, the long and short of it is, it CAN be extremely affordable (as in free). Otherwise, it costs $12.50/year (and you still get the referral bonuses).
You can use MS Paint, MS Word, Open Office or almost any program to make a pedigree. That's easy. But if you want one special program that does it all, you fork over some $.
It's kinda annoying to have to type in everything when you get a new, outside pedigree rabbit. Especially in KinTraks, since you add the New rabbit, then go to the Pedigree, add 2 parents. Once added, you have to go back to Rabbit and choose the New rabbit again, then add another set for those parents and you repeat. You have to go back to New rabbit again just to add info for all the parents that it doesn't let you add right when you made their offspring info. It's so time consuming!! I hate it and I really wish the maker would change this. I go all the way back, because it's easy to make a mistake or put a parent in the wrong place and it just screws it all up. Stop "updating" to the new added parent, KinTraks, just let me finish! ugh....
one thing I do like about Evans-- if an ear number in a breed is duplicated-- it pops up wit 'Is this the rabbit?' If you answer 'yes' the program then autofills with all the info you already have on that rabbit-- and when you enter an animal as 'deceased' it archives the animal--yet the pedigree info is still available for pedigree and genetics planning--
Yah, Global Pedigree doesn't have that problem, in fact, when you enter the pedigree, you just "add sire/dam" and when you get to a point with a "known" ancestor, it autofills for you ... and can reveal discrepencies in paper pedigrees you get from a breeder.

For those who haven't seen my other post, I received a pedigree from a reputable breeder and started my free trial of Global Pedigree Program and entered the pedigree and in the g'grand, the program autofilled a known doe (after verifying with me it was the same one I was entering) and revealed that the paper pedigree from the breeder had an incorrect ancestor to that doe listed. I queried the breeder, and she assured me that the pedigree should be correct because it was from a popular "industry standard" rabbit program ... she eventually pulled the original paper pedigree of the ancestor she acquired and it did show a difference between what her program was saying and what she is sure she entered off of the paper pedigree.

I was able to generate a correct pedigree and add her rabbitry info and email it to her which she printed out and signed and sent back to me.

Thanks to GPP, I have one rabbit with a 6 generation pedigree and one with a 7 generation pedigree :lol: and all I had to enter was the 4 generations on the paper pedigree received with one bunny and 3 gens on the other as autofill finished it for me.

GPP also calculates contribution percentages for the ancestors ... on my 7gen ped, one of the g'g'grands is actually a 20% contributor because of line breeding in a couple of the far back gens.

Jeremy also has a genotype generator that is quite helpful to me as I am learning color genetics ... I am trying to "peek" under the REW of my EA buck to see how the ancestors genes combined ... well, you know the deal :lol: nailing down the additional genes under the REW is a moving target :D
Just a quick clarification, the Global Pedigree site doesn't currently have any genetics calculations. It can calculate the possible varieties from a hypothetical breeding. But, I opted to NOT have it do a complete genetic calculation as the processing time on an internet server would be terribly slow.

In the future, however, I do plan to add automatic genotyping, similar to Evans', which accounts for parental contributions and progenital results.

Sorry I got that wrong, but I was talking about the genotyping that comes up when you choose the specific color/breed of the individual rabbit ... and was combining that with the "influence percentages" that are listed on the pedigree ancestors. Another case of me not having the proper terminology :lol: I am just muddling through the genetics still :D