Dominant colors can carry the most other colors but you can't see those colors on them. It takes pedigrees and a bit of luck or breeding the recessives in to the offspring and using the offspring. I put a black chinchilla (AABBchdchdDDEE) with my lilac ermine(AAbbchdchdddee) and you get all black chinchillas *but* they are all carrying recessives (AABbchdchdDdEe) so I can get black, chocolate, blue, lilac chinchillas and black, chocolate, blue, lilac ermines. Add in my full color, self chocolate doe to my chinchillas and a generation later I can then get self black, chocolate, blue, lilac and chestnut, opal, chocolate agouti, and lynx. A little more work and I have torts, oranges, and fawns. I just have to keep breeding the offspring together or back to the recessive colored parent and I add a color palette every generation.