"Payback" Feed killing Rabbits?

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
Baker City, Oregon
Just wandering if any one has heard of the "payback" brand of rabbit feed killing rabbits, i heard from a couple people it has but not shure on their information.
I think I may just bite the bullet and go pelletless- I'm well on the way already anyway. I found corn in the MannaPro again. Their Sho blend is $4 more a bag, and I decided to try the Pro again- and it has corn! Hmmph.
MamaSheepdog":x6rll72r said:
I think I may just bite the bullet and go pelletless- I'm well on the way already anyway. I found corn in the MannaPro again. Their Sho blend is $4 more a bag, and I decided to try the Pro again- and it has corn! Hmmph.

It's an aggravating thing when it happens, but I just spend the extra time picking out the kernels and go on about the business of feeding.

I won't lie, though. The cost of it is a tough bullet to bite.
I know of at least one person on the Meat Rabbits yahoo group who was having trouble with Payback, but I think that was at least a few months ago.

As for Manna Pro, I've been told that only the Sho formula does NOT have corn.

I think I've heard of people having trouble with just about every brand out there at one time or another. It's because of stuff like this that I'm so glad I chose to grain-feed instead.
SatinsRule":39aoc8gx said:
I just spend the extra time picking out the kernels and go on about the business of feeding.

Unfortunately it is in the extruded pellets themselves- it isn't a loose, separate ingredient.
I remember going in to the local CHS to snag a bag of Pfau's, they were out so I was looking at the Payback and was told under no uncertain terms by one of the guys there, who's never led me astray before, to steer good and clear of it, he said it was one of those products that they have to stock but that it's total crap and that he wouldn't feed it to rats
I don't know if this was wise or not, but I mix in rolled oats (Quaker Oats) with the pellets to prevent any constipation. I also added some chopped dried papaya. Vet suggested papaya juice or papaya to prevent hairballs. But I didn't want the water bottle getting all funky with juice in it.
MamaSheepdog":116q3v8b said:
SatinsRule":116q3v8b said:
I just spend the extra time picking out the kernels and go on about the business of feeding.

Unfortunately it is in the extruded pellets themselves- it isn't a loose, separate ingredient.

I'll assume that I'm lucky in that I haven't experienced that one yet (knock, knock, knock!!!) :lamo:
I wonder if the trouble with the Mana Pro is with the mill in your local areas?
I fed Mana Pro Gro for years and had never found corn in it. Is it possable diffrent milling locations might have made errors?
Yeah, it's possible, just like it's possible for a feed like Pen Pals to allow pellets from different kinds of feeds to be in their bags of rabbit rations. Experienced it regularly.
Jill":121hwj7x said:
I don't know if this was wise or not, but I mix in rolled oats (Quaker Oats) with the pellets to prevent any constipation. I also added some chopped dried papaya. Vet suggested papaya juice or papaya to prevent hairballs. But I didn't want the water bottle getting all funky with juice in it.

Hi Jill,

Yes, rolled oats/crimped oats/groats are regularly added as a supplement to pellets :D A tablespoon in the summer, 2 in the winter will be plenty. You might also want to consider adding a tablespoon of BOSS in the winter too.
I'm still weaning off of pellets to grass/grain/hay/etc and feeding Manna Pro as its the best I could get a hold of and least problematic in the area. The food's a bit over 20.00 per bag not counting gas to get it about 50 miles away. Opened it up, its got a good bit of corn in it, easily seen in the middle of the pellets :( So I don't think its just a local thing sadly.
AnnClaire":2gsual2q said:
Jill":2gsual2q said:
I don't know if this was wise or not, but I mix in rolled oats (Quaker Oats) with the pellets to prevent any constipation. I also added some chopped dried papaya. Vet suggested papaya juice or papaya to prevent hairballs. But I didn't want the water bottle getting all funky with juice in it.

Hi Jill,

Yes, rolled oats/crimped oats/groats are regularly added as a supplement to pellets :D A tablespoon in the summer, 2 in the winter will be plenty. You might also want to consider adding a tablespoon of BOSS in the winter too.
What's BOSS? I'm in California, so not too much of a winter here. Plus, the rabbits are in the apartment with us.