panic attack kind of morning......

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
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I am sitting here trying to slow my breathing and heart rate......also trying not to act out. So this morning my roommate lets me know that she and her boyfriend of three months are going to be moving in together and she will be out at the end of the month. I told her that her rental agreement states that she needs to give me a one month notice, she could care less. I told her I would be willing to take 2 weeks rent to make it a month, or she is out this weekend. She chose this weekend. Why am I freaking out so much? Because I am literally down to my last dollar between paychecks and with all my student loan debt I can not cover rent by myself even for a month. Not to mention I need to get the room cleaned & painted for the new occupant and now is not a great time of year for getting new roommates. Grrrrrrr! I am so close to just dumping all her stuff on the lawn right now. It usually takes a month or more to find a suitable roommate.....I am screwed. I might have to do what I hate most and beg for money from family. I just hate all this insecurity. My boyfriend has wanted to move in since October but right after he suggested it he got a notice from the IRS that said if he rents or sells the condo he bought this year within three years of the purchase date he will have to give back the $6500 credit he got. Sixteen more months to go. I would move in with him, but I love my place and am not willing to give up my rabbits or garden. He loves my place more as well. Just want to scream about the whole situation! Thanks for listening to the rant.....I want a xanax.
So sorry you are going thru this...Here is what I suggest: instead of having to feel like you are begging, ask your family for a short term loan. Put it in writing and state the terms. That way, it is a straight forward financial transaction and you can pay it back as you can. Hope it all works out...

Shannon, who thinks roomies that bail are jerks!
Thanks Shannon and Shara, I am just so sick of the roommate thing. The last three have been flakes (moved out three months later to live with her mom), dirty & refused to housetrain her puppy, and then this one. The two I had before that where great both here a year and then two years, clean, friendly etc. I am still really good friends with one of them. Past your twenties though it just becomes too tough.

Trying to be good, calm and non retaliatory but it is hard.
Pray for me Shara that I may be kind as well (even to jerks) ;)
tell him what happen, if you weren't supposed to have a roommate, just say girlfriend (and if you still get kicked out threaten to go the the stonewall alliance or LGT group and sue)

It cost them more to have an empty place that they are paying someone to sell than to loose a little or wait.
Good advice Jack, thankfully my landlord is my stepfather (how else could I have so many rabbits eh?) so there is some wiggle room. I know that one of the other tenants on the lot is two months behind on her rent and he makes just enough on rent to cover the mortgage. I just hate having to add to the burden, I know he is pretty strapped right now as well. He has let me break up rent into two payments before and that is most likely what I will end up doing. I have some really nice horse tack that I can sell if things get desperate and I know my man is always willing to float me a few hundred bucks though I have never felt right about asking. I think it is time to get a weekend or night job to help pay the bills so that I don't end up in these situations. Thanks to my useless college degree I might be able to get a gig flipping burgers on the side ;)
as far as the money, which would you rather have him spend it on, dinner and a movie (that's about $100) a prostitute (also about a $100) or you...
As I am prone to tell my wife, I take my gratutity in 3 forms, Cash, Guns and gun related, or expressed at intimate affection. There are lots of things a guy will give to keep his woman happy, and some cash is usually considered cheap (and straight forward)

No guessing if she will just like the card, or see it as a hidden message, which usually are complete messages, just hidden cutely (we think)....

BTW, thats why I'm getting my degree in Philosophy and minor of Communication, if I'm getting a bullshit degree, I might as well get it in bullshit and bullshitting...
Funny you say that Jack, my degree is in Philosophy!!!!!!! I don't know anyone else with one, that is awesome!
No offense taken at all, it is a good question. The amount of people who get degrees in philosophy is pretty tiny, my graduating class had 7. I got it because I was going to law school, and it allowed me to fly through my LSAT's with ease and it looked good to admissions folks. I know one of the other people in my class went on to get his masters in Philosophy as well and is now teaching it at the junior college level and working on his Phd so he can get a job teaching at a bigger university. My boyfriend calls me the Philosopher Farmer, which I think is cute. I am an overthinker, and a book worm so it was a good fit. I dropped out of law school after the first year because it just felt wrong and dirty (everyone is correct to hate lawyers). So now......I made an abismal amount of money working in insurance.
Philosophy, thats what...

Um, well, philosophy is the basis of the sciences, the basis of most of western, and eastern and middle eastern society.....
I think the best way to sell the degree is that philosophy, unlike many of the technical degrees, is about teaching you HOW to think, how to analyze and solve problems, as what to do with a phil degree, um, it's a BS piece of paper, so it's how well you sell yourself... as for what most people do with it, become doctors, lawyers teach etc.
Jack said:
Um, well, philosophy is the basis of the sciences, the basis of most of western, and eastern and middle eastern society.....
I think the best way to sell the degree is that philosophy, unlike many of the technical degrees, is about teaching you HOW to think, how to analyze and solve problems, "

That is exactly how I used to sell it to employers when I was on an interview! I got my degree in how to think.

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