Palpating for Grapes ~The real thing~ GRAPHIC!!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
So when palpating I tried feeling for grapes. Never really knew what to feel for, even though the description is obvious. And it is. Look for big, round grapes. Firm and round and well hidden. We dispatched a rabbit I had bought for food, and found out she was expecting. So I took pictures. I hope these help somewhat.


Wow! Those are a lot bigger than what I feel at around ten days. She must have been around 16 days or more I'm guessing. :?

I haven't dispatched a rabbit that was pregnant, but one of the hogs we raised was. She went to a processor along with her brothers, so I didn't see the piglets, but I felt pretty bad about it. :(

If you feed raw to your cats or dogs, they are in for a treat at least.
That looks about three weeks along...I butchered one that was the same and she was a week out from kindling.
My cat really enjoyed them. I was kinda sad. But it bothers me more that the guy I bought from sold a pregnant doe.
huh interesting to see.

my dad thought it was the neatest thing when he butchered a chicken once that he thought had stopped laying... pulling the guts out her found a yolk forming inside without the rest formed yet. i think he stoof there for a half hour or more talking about how amazing it is how the chickens form and lay eggs...
That's crazy, but so cool. Thank you so much for this post. I am definitely a visual person and needed to see the anatomical arrangement :) Now maybe I'll have better luck palpating! I've only felt the grapes for sure twice..
Wow. now I can palpate a little earlier, they are higher up than I thought, I had my fingers too low.
Same as the rest... Sad that she was so far along, sad that he sold a pregnant doe but very interesting and I, like others, were feeling too low... thanks for thinking of us and taking pics! :)