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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
Reaction score
South Eastern Oregon
So I know some with cages pull the litters...and then bring them back to nurse. What do you colony people think would happen if i brought my colony kits inside? I could bring them out to the does to feed them, and it would eliminate does killing each other's litters...and then the kits would be tame, to boot. Not sure when I would put the young kits back, maybe four weeks? what do you guys think? and then I also wouldnt have to scrap my colony, since they wouldnt all be killing off the kits...and i could start over with babies, once i get some alive...
Interesting idea. ... I'd think that would work for you, partly because you're having trouble with does killing the kits. :( The mothers would probably worry a lot, but you could watch for any odd behavior.

When to take them back full time...I'd go with when they're eyes are open and they start to explore. If you wait longer, you risk the other does killing the newbies as intruders. I don't know the answer to it. I've never had a doe go after a kit that was out of the nestbox. They generally just ignore them.

The doe that had the kits...is she low man on the pecking order? If the dominant doe didn't kindle, that could easily explain the killings.
Yeah, the first time was my NZ, who is low on the order, and Spooky hadn't taken. She is the dominate doe I am getting rid of once her daughter produces. I pulled the buck, and maybe if I breed Spooky to kindle a day or so before Maple, then she would be okay. I am getting sick of feeding them though, and not having kits to show for it! Ugh! lol. Rabbits will make liars out of you every time, I swear!
We lost a litter from one of Alice's daughters recently... The nest tunnel was completely dug out and the kits scattered. It might have been new-mom cluelessness, it might have been Alice getting rid of competition (she is dominant) or it might have been the buck, Jasper, who had claimed that nest tunnel as his bachelor pad. One piece of advice I was given was to have extra nest tunnels available... more than strictly necessary. I plan to give it a try.