Oil resistant ear mites!

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OneAcreFarm":3uwfrhas said:
MamaSheepdog":3uwfrhas said:
Fill the ear canal completely with warm hydrogen peroxide and pinch the base of the ear shut. Agitate the ear gently- you will hear a sloshing sound. When you release the ear, he will shake his head vigorously, flinging peroxide and wax everywhere. If you decide to use swabs to try to remove more debris, make sure to wet the tip with peroxide- dry cotton can abrade the skin.

If your cages are located near any wood I would suggest dusting the surfaces down with food grade Diatomaceous Earth.

OneAcreFarm":3uwfrhas said:
Rabbit ear mites don't have a waxy build up.

Really? :? Learn something new every day! :p

Well, I stand corrected- when he shakes his head he will fling peroxide and scabs everywhere! :roll: I wouldn't recommend swabbing the ears if they are scabbed over.

This is what bad ear mites look like in rabbits...

That is not bad, that is ignorant and abusive bad.
You should notice something is off when they don't want their ears touched, or they are hotter than normal, any yellow creeping up is a sign of mites, too.
I drown the ears in oil, hold the ears up together and swirl them around, then let the rabbit go and shake/scratch it out. Next day I go back and check the difference and redo the oil and wiggling. Let the rabbit shake and then use tweezers to pull up [[never dig out!!!!!]] the loose stuff. If there's any I can't get, I soak some more and check back the next day. If you catch the mites early, at the yellow 'wax' stage, you can drown in oil and use the ivermectin and it should be enough.
MamaMandy":1bjfoujk said:
So, OAF, you don't recommend the ivermectin paste?

You can use the paste, I did for a while, but the liquid is so much easier to give and you are able to give a much more accurate dose.

__________ Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:37 am __________

ChickiesnBunnies":1bjfoujk said:
OneAcreFarm":1bjfoujk said:
This is what bad ear mites look like in rabbits...

That is not bad, that is ignorant and abusive bad.
You should notice something is off when they don't want their ears touched, or they are hotter than normal, any yellow creeping up is a sign of mites, too.
I drown the ears in oil, hold the ears up together and swirl them around, then let the rabbit go and shake/scratch it out. Next day I go back and check the difference and redo the oil and wiggling. Let the rabbit shake and then use tweezers to pull up [[never dig out!!!!!]] the loose stuff. If there's any I can't get, I soak some more and check back the next day. If you catch the mites early, at the yellow 'wax' stage, you can drown in oil and use the ivermectin and it should be enough.

CnB, I am aware of that.... ;) I was putting up a "worst case" pic to show MSD how raw and scabby it can get. Also, I disagree that you should always be able to catch them that early. I got a new bale of hay one time and it had mites. Before the end of the week, I had rabbits with scabs halfway up their ears! It was so fast, and I don't look at each rabbit's ears every single day. I was mortified because, as you said, I normally see it when it is just a bit of crusty stuff in the bottom of the ear. Rabbits are very good at cleaning their own ears out, so I don't manually clean their ears. I think it does more harm than good. Even ones with a bad infestation, if treated, can clean their own ears so well that in a few days, the gunk is completely gone.
Try Earsolv.com it will get rid of fungal, bacterial infections and tackle ear mites too . Guaranteed. For dogs, cats and rabbits.
Elle Mac":2xjg3fs8 said:
Try Earsolv.com it will get rid of fungal, bacterial infections and tackle ear mites too . Guaranteed. For dogs, cats and rabbits.

It would be nice to know what is IN it....they don't list their ingredients anywhere on the site. :(
trinityoaks":28et1yr6 said:
Maxine, you can't actually see the mites, but the ears have red patches and lots of crusty gunk in them. If you don't see anything in your rabbits' ears, then you can pretty much be assured that they don't have ear mites.

Awesome. Their ears look clear. Thank you.
Can I get campho-phenique at the feed mill too? I'm heading out there today and I want to get some ivermectin too.
MamaMandy":hukz0eya said:
Can I get campho-phenique at the feed mill too? I'm heading out there today and I want to get some ivermectin too.
You'll find Campho-Phenique in the Pharmacy section of any drugstore/grocery/Walmaret, etc. Look in the area that has topical medications for bug bites.