Not too cold for outdoor kits

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Aug 14, 2022
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I have outdoor hutches. My doe kindled Tuesday and last nite it went down to around 18 F. This morning
they are nestled in their nesting box with fur, hay and they are fine. I did block the wind and was
worried but all seem fine. I won't worry again unless I see extreme cold.
I have outdoor hutches. My doe kindled Tuesday and last nite it went down to around 18 F. This morning
they are nestled in their nesting box with fur, hay and they are fine. I did block the wind and was
worried but all seem fine. I won't worry again unless I see extreme cold.
As long as there is no wind they'll be fine.
I'm so happy, today is an easy day, now let's see who will try to mess it up for me haha. Just walk away. This is my first winter with rabbits so I was doubtful but Lulu (doe) did her job, her second kindle, and all went so smoothly. I worry too much.
We just went through our first winter not with our adult rabbits but with new baby kits. We had one doe who 4 and then like 3 weeks later 5 more but lost one. Then second ones was a complete surprise and shock being so soon. But they all did great. I try and what I call winterize my cages for winter by screwing old fence pickets over most the sides of their cages to block wind and cold then I take that down as weather warms up. We do the same for our quail cages and chicken coop. Anyway glad all went well for you and Lulu.
We just went through our first winter not with our adult rabbits but with new baby kits. We had one doe who 4 and then like 3 weeks later 5 more but lost one. Then second ones was a complete surprise and shock being so soon. But they all did great. I try and what I call winterize my cages for winter by screwing old fence pickets over most the sides of their cages to block wind and cold then I take that down as weather warms up. We do the same for our quail cages and chicken coop. Anyway glad all went well for you and Lulu.
Thank you. I guess a buck snuck in to your doe. That's really early and i bet you were shocked! Rabbits are amazing.
I have outdoor hutches. My doe kindled Tuesday and last nite it went down to around 18 F. This morning
they are nestled in their nesting box with fur, hay and they are fine. I did block the wind and was
worried but all seem fine. I won't worry again unless I see extreme cold.
if mama does her job well with lots of fur pulled and there is no wind on the babies and nothing disturbs the nest... I've found they handle SW Ontario snowbelt cold just fine.
How cold does it get there in the SW Ontario snow belt? We've had -37° Fahrenheit (in December) and -25° a couple of days ago. 🤦‍♀️ It never gets that cold here, normally.
I have outdoor hutches. My doe kindled Tuesday and last nite it went down to around 18 F. This morning
they are nestled in their nesting box with fur, hay and they are fine. I did block the wind and was
worried but all seem fine. I won't worry again unless I see extreme cold.
No need to worry, people raise these buns in sub zero weather. We had a doe kindle and it went down to -1 degrees. Just make sure there is a wind block and all I did was pack the cage with straw to be a wind barrier and help insulate from the cold. Mom's do a good job keeping them warm usually with their fur.
No need to worry, people raise these buns in sub zero weather. We had a doe kindle and it went down to -1 degrees. Just make sure there is a wind block and all I did was pack the cage with straw to be a wind barrier and help insulate from the cold. Mom's do a good job keeping them warm usually with their fur.
YES all 9 are doing well and mom went out for a jaunt today and got some exercise. So crazy it's 56 here today. From now on I will not be afraid to breed in January.
YES all 9 are doing well and mom went out for a jaunt today and got some exercise. So crazy it's 56 here today. From now on I will not be afraid to breed in January.
Yep! I know people who breed in much lower temps. Just keep them sheltered from the wind and give plenty of straw. Mom does the rest!
Yep! I know people who breed in much lower temps. Just keep them sheltered from the wind and give plenty of straw. Mom does the rest!
I have a litter that was born in mid January in Manitoba. Our temperatures were ranging-30 to -40 but much colder when you consider windchill.
All 6 kits are running around and playing in the snow.
The bunnies have good shelter, straw and feed.
You’re right let the moms do the rest. As delicate a rabbit seems, it is actually a smart tough animal.
-8.2 degrees Celsius is the average. It often gets colder than that.... but you know what averages are like. :)
So, my lowest temp this winter was -37.8° Celsius. Interestingly, that's equal to -36° Fahrenheit. 🤷‍♀️ That's the coldest in 20+ years of living here. A couple weeks ago it got down to -27° F, which in Canadian 😏 would be -32.8 C. Either way, it translates to "too dang cold".

ETA: Oops! I guess I already said that! 😂
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So, my lowest temp this winter was -37.8° Celsius. Interestingly, that's equal to -36° Fahrenheit. 🤷‍♀️ That's the coldest in 20+ years of living here. A couple weeks ago it got down to -27° F, which in Canadian 😏 would be -3

So, my lowest temp this winter was -37.8° Celsius. Interestingly, that's equal to -36° Fahrenheit. 🤷‍♀️ That's the coldest in 20+ years of living here. A couple weeks ago it got down to -27° F, which in Canadian 😏 would be -32.8 C. Either way, it translates to "too dang cold".

ETA: Oops! I guess I already said that! 😂
definitely too cold. guess that's why the liars now call it climate change instead of global warming. i lost a bunny the other nite, probably a clinger, even tho it was in hay it froze and it was probably 28 or 30F. So that tells me she feeds at night cause I was out early the next day. Tried to revive but it was gone. Could have been she booted it out but who knows. I still have 8 and they have their eyes open now. Only my second litter. I did break two hides this morning and I must admit they look amazing. But that's a different post.