I gotta start watching the videos back. Phone missed the hind of the black doe and it looked good. Needs better shoulders.
Brokens' hinds look worse. Buck is 2nd pictured, good shoulders. Last, doe, flat, but better hind than the buck and better shoulders than doe.
Why can't they just be all in one rabbit!?
Moved in a 100gal trough for water, three 15gal isn't enough.
Got her rear pic. Shoulders look worse today. Lol. I think I'll keep her and hold onto the buck until I have another litter to compare to. Or is the broken doe better than the broken buck?
She's almost 8 pounds today! 12wks, 3 days. Biggest of the litter.
Pleasantly surprised by this cross. Mutts look real nice.
Top row mutt doe is the winner. Broken wouldn't relax.
Hmm, both may be okay, broken wouldn't stop leaning.
Seems right side doe is the winner this round.
The two stunted litters. Surprised by the rex furred blue, though.
Mutt litter. Meat chart, some at the minimum. Rex chart, in between minimum and excellent.
If I can't feel kits for Royal, she's going.
I'm thinking Penny may also definitely go if no kits this time.
And still haven't gotten anything out of Muddy, so he'll go if he doesn't produce kits soon. But doesn't look like I have him bred to anyone right now. He's got good overall shape...
Opal needs to produce soon, too.
So, I may be down 4 rabbits in the next 2mo...Just 15 adults will feel so empty, heh.