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Let me just start by saying this is a essay of a story and I apologize in advance.
My Olly is Approx 7 years old, he was a rescue and is a-little wild, I never enforced attention on him and just let him be and come to me when he was in the mood.
My buns are free roaming and their room / litter trays get cleaned 2-3 times a week.
Their diet consists of hay(all day), pellets and fresh herbs once a day (basil, mint, parsley and celery) and a few slices of banana at night before bed.
Both buns are fixed.
In November last year I noticed that Olly had a matted butt (this was a first for me), I then procrastinated on methods how to clean him since he is wild - until the one morning I noticed fly strike (they have a balcony they often like to sun bathe on), all my apprehension disappeared and I scooped him and gave him a butt bath peeling off the maggots (also this was a first and didn’t even know this could happen) luckily they were small but besides that I noticed a extremely bad smell and he has intense urine scold, I bathed him and did a-little google search and ended up putting sudocream on his scold.
I decided not to bath him the next day as it was extremely traumatic for him, he freaked out naturally, but then the next morning again fly strike, so again bathed him but decided this is it I have to take him to the vet.
Vet sedated him, shaved him (we do not have an exotic vets in our state, only normal vets) checked his teeth, gave him revolution and did a pee test also inspected him for any maggot damage or issues, to which everything looked and came back in good terms, she then suggested that we monitor him and gave me pain meds and spray for his scold and told me to bring him back in a week.
Two days later Mopsy developed very bad scold and her poop was sticking to her butt and she too had very fowl smell (mopsy was also a rescue but is not as wild as Olly as i found her in the road when she was young so we bonded)
Mopsy ended up being 100 times worse to bath, she is a-little over weight but it was absolutely chaos, I called my Vet and she suggested that I take a syringe and suck up her urine for a test, which I did and again it came back perfect, however as she is so hectic to bath i decided to take her to the vet too to get shaved and cleaned and tested to be sure and again everything was good only her weight, which is why her poop was getting mushed on her butt, so home we went with a new diet plan (less banana)
A week later I took Olly back for his check up and we decided to do XRAY and run a few tests as he was leaking urine, my vet informed me that Olly indeed does have cancer and due to his age and the size of the tumor there is nothing we can do but make him comfy in his last days.
I tried reaching out to exotic vets in the next states but no one was willing to assist (basically a paid over the phone assessment of his tests and X-rays) I wanted a second opinion, but was shut down.
Fast forward 3 months later, Olly is on pain meds daily, he only eats banana, dried cranberry and pellets - he refuses to eat hay or anything else, I even special ordered tumeric treats etc but he refuses.
It’s been extremely difficult for me and I don’t know where the balance is because I don’t want to force feed him daily (he is calm now with bathing but force feeding him a little demon awakes) I been force feeding him probiotic and critical care for some hay, but the moment I don’t bath him it becomes a catastrophe - he has soft C poops and they get stuck to his paws, this dries and actually tears into his skin so he has such painful sores and can’t walk properly, my plan was one day bath one day force feed… but then Mopsy is also experiencing this urine scold … so between bathing a demon and force feeding a demon
I am at my wits end, I also have to work and it’s been rough:-(
Luckily Mopsy loved drinking from the syringe so the CC and probiotics does help her with the pee.
I also can’t take Olly to the vet to get shaved again as they have to sedate him and the vet doesn’t recommend it, I was thinking of doing a butt bath, then applying his ointment and then applying Vaseline ? So the poop can’t stick to his hair … also because he isn’t a comfortable bun, to dry his butt after a bath properly is not great and I am worried that this might also not be helping, but I can try mitigate this with cornstarch ?
Besides the elephant tumor in the room
, at this stage I am doing my best to keep him around for Mopsy as they are so bonded, but I can’t deal with seeing him in this state - however if I can get him more comfortable (no scold or sores from dried poop) I think he will be a lot better, regardless with the fact that he is dying and generally health will decline.
Please if you have any advice I am desperate, how to keep paws clean, sore free and deal with this urine scold once and for all!!
Why is my buns getting such bad urine scold and such soft poopy butt - could it be due to heat ? We live in a very hot humid climate and since fly strike I have kept balcony door closed during the day.
My Olly is Approx 7 years old, he was a rescue and is a-little wild, I never enforced attention on him and just let him be and come to me when he was in the mood.
My buns are free roaming and their room / litter trays get cleaned 2-3 times a week.
Their diet consists of hay(all day), pellets and fresh herbs once a day (basil, mint, parsley and celery) and a few slices of banana at night before bed.
Both buns are fixed.
In November last year I noticed that Olly had a matted butt (this was a first for me), I then procrastinated on methods how to clean him since he is wild - until the one morning I noticed fly strike (they have a balcony they often like to sun bathe on), all my apprehension disappeared and I scooped him and gave him a butt bath peeling off the maggots (also this was a first and didn’t even know this could happen) luckily they were small but besides that I noticed a extremely bad smell and he has intense urine scold, I bathed him and did a-little google search and ended up putting sudocream on his scold.
I decided not to bath him the next day as it was extremely traumatic for him, he freaked out naturally, but then the next morning again fly strike, so again bathed him but decided this is it I have to take him to the vet.
Vet sedated him, shaved him (we do not have an exotic vets in our state, only normal vets) checked his teeth, gave him revolution and did a pee test also inspected him for any maggot damage or issues, to which everything looked and came back in good terms, she then suggested that we monitor him and gave me pain meds and spray for his scold and told me to bring him back in a week.
Two days later Mopsy developed very bad scold and her poop was sticking to her butt and she too had very fowl smell (mopsy was also a rescue but is not as wild as Olly as i found her in the road when she was young so we bonded)
Mopsy ended up being 100 times worse to bath, she is a-little over weight but it was absolutely chaos, I called my Vet and she suggested that I take a syringe and suck up her urine for a test, which I did and again it came back perfect, however as she is so hectic to bath i decided to take her to the vet too to get shaved and cleaned and tested to be sure and again everything was good only her weight, which is why her poop was getting mushed on her butt, so home we went with a new diet plan (less banana)
A week later I took Olly back for his check up and we decided to do XRAY and run a few tests as he was leaking urine, my vet informed me that Olly indeed does have cancer and due to his age and the size of the tumor there is nothing we can do but make him comfy in his last days.
I tried reaching out to exotic vets in the next states but no one was willing to assist (basically a paid over the phone assessment of his tests and X-rays) I wanted a second opinion, but was shut down.
Fast forward 3 months later, Olly is on pain meds daily, he only eats banana, dried cranberry and pellets - he refuses to eat hay or anything else, I even special ordered tumeric treats etc but he refuses.
It’s been extremely difficult for me and I don’t know where the balance is because I don’t want to force feed him daily (he is calm now with bathing but force feeding him a little demon awakes) I been force feeding him probiotic and critical care for some hay, but the moment I don’t bath him it becomes a catastrophe - he has soft C poops and they get stuck to his paws, this dries and actually tears into his skin so he has such painful sores and can’t walk properly, my plan was one day bath one day force feed… but then Mopsy is also experiencing this urine scold … so between bathing a demon and force feeding a demon

Luckily Mopsy loved drinking from the syringe so the CC and probiotics does help her with the pee.
I also can’t take Olly to the vet to get shaved again as they have to sedate him and the vet doesn’t recommend it, I was thinking of doing a butt bath, then applying his ointment and then applying Vaseline ? So the poop can’t stick to his hair … also because he isn’t a comfortable bun, to dry his butt after a bath properly is not great and I am worried that this might also not be helping, but I can try mitigate this with cornstarch ?
Besides the elephant tumor in the room

Please if you have any advice I am desperate, how to keep paws clean, sore free and deal with this urine scold once and for all!!
Why is my buns getting such bad urine scold and such soft poopy butt - could it be due to heat ? We live in a very hot humid climate and since fly strike I have kept balcony door closed during the day.