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Doesn't matter what they look like now. Since I breed for meat and looking good between 8-12wks is what counts!
Puff stays, other goes. Other is molting, Puff has beautiful fur on her, big improvement that happened purely by accident, larger than the older doe, too, yet younger. Ebony's daughter also has the beautiful fur.
$298 in the red. 6 in dog food.

Currently $286 in the red.

Gotta buy new feed soon.

Might have a buyer for 3 rex does. When my culls are all gone, I'll be down to 25 buns. Gotta shrink it a bit further...
you're gonna have to face time with the the store manager before you drive out this time. Really confirm they have the feed 😂
Got three culled and bagged. Someone is supposed to come by them like this. We'll see. 🤞 Woke up extra early to have time to get them done. *phew* Should of not cut belly flap as far to chest, hinds would of fit better that way.
With heart, liver, kidney & bit of fat.
Live to Butcher weights-
8.14 to 4.98
7.47 to 4.35
9.16 to 5.03

Next weekend is the 3 live bun sale. 🤞
Someone might want 2 as pets. 🤞
Then 2-3 adults to cull and 3 kits. Ay not keep the last Widy grow out, it's a buck and doesn't seem wide. So, up to 4 kits.
I believe that'd be everyone to get down to 25. Though, that Widy kit would drop it to 24. Then just 4 others to cull.
Moved rabbits around. Removed a divider. Most have their own cage.
Still trying to get the old cage clips off. They're not cheap clips, so they're much tighter to the wire and much harder to pry off. Grinder was no good. Narrowing pliers with grinder was no good. Ugh.
Edit. It's 4 proven does pending, not 3. Lynx, yynx, widy & ebony.
I think that leaves one mutt and the 2 broken sf.
Setting up meet for the blue Rex buck kit. Then two Rex doe kits.
And still waiting on the frozen meat buyer.

Nothing is working to get these off. Now cutting the floor out instead. Slow going, but finally getting somewhere.
Edit. It's 4 proven does pending, not 3. Lynx, yynx, widy & ebony.
I think that leaves one mutt and the 2 broken sf.
Setting up meet for the blue Rex buck kit. Then two Rex doe kits.
And still waiting on the frozen meat buyer.

Nothing is working to get these off. Now cutting the floor out instead. Slow going, but finally getting somewhere.
View attachment 43203
I took these clips off by hammering a sharp nail in and then a bigger nail in. Mine were empty so i could turn them to get the angle. Kinda had to go inside the door to hold it.
Got the floors out of a stacker, then started on the wall. Leaving a small section to support the floors and for stability. Should of done that to the other stackers. Those previously joined will have to be taken apart to replace their floors, too. And then I'll add short pieces to support floors on it.

Ordered these. Hoping I can stab into the sides and pry them off. Kinda doing that with tin snips, only way I've found that can work, but is super rough on my hands, have a new welt developing from the ones I removed today. 🫠
$465 in the red. 50 in bun sales.

Currently $415 in the red.
Guy for 1 bun didn't show. 🙄 Got two more sales to wait on.
4hrs working on it today. Moved the finished one into place and swapped buns & feed/water. Then dragged the single and took it apart.
Almost ready. Turns out two 2×2 foot doesn't equal 4ft. 🫠 so, will have to cut once I'm sure of the amount, then secure and 3 does can move in.
Man, these things never really fit great together...but nearly ready for 3 does!
Had to buy 3 new pans, though.

Also figured out the new removal pliers can help get the j-clips started.
I've bought 2 different specialty j-clip pliers and they both suck! I used to sit and bend all of the clips. The curve I'd crush to be more closed, then bend the straight tail. They would never go on properly otherwise! Wtf is up with that?? C-rings for hogs and such are a better clip, they always ring properly, but already had the bags of j-clips on hand.

Website also got updated.

Working on the 3 frozen bun sales. Just need to find a day to deliver them. 80 for those delivered. 🤞

And I might have a live sale of the 2 proven does, bred doe and doe kit. Or a buck instead of one doe. 🤞🤞🤞🤞 Really hope it works out, don't want to cull the friendly does!
Got the last 3 does moved in!

Then I did a head count by breed & a bit of a mess with the sf bucks! Looks like all are now pedigreed, so, two will be listed/culled. Brings the crazy number down a bit.
Most does are also now pedigreed!

Grand total of 25 buns. 23 when the 2 bucks leave. Guess I'll have to look them all over and see if I can't find 3 more to cull out...

Rex, total 12
Does, 10
Coral, pedigreed amber
Puff, lilac
Teal, mix, blue otter
Royal, pedigreed, mix, otter
Sky, partial pedigree, blue
Cruella, pedigreed broken castor
Berry, blue
Quincy, pedigreed, broken lilac otter
Opal, partial pedigree, opal
Quincy's pedigreed, broken black

Bucks, 2
Goliath, pedigreed, black
Quincy's pedigreed, black otter

Silver Fox, total 13
Does, 7
Jet, pedigreed black
Gilt, pedigreed, black tort
Navy, mix, blue
Inky, mix, black
Chick, pedigreed, black
Penny, black
Malty, pedigreed, broken black

Bucks, all pedigreed, 6
Vapor, broken black
Dime, black
Rivian, black
Zippy, blue. Sell
Digit, black. Sell
Guilded, black tort

Ella's reg blue doe, bred.

New cull kits.

Biggest, but worth keeping? I believe not. 6wks, no good.
Almost 9wks. Widy×Jasper. Might be worth keeping.

Man, these things never really fit great together...but nearly ready for 3 does!
Had to buy 3 new pans, though.
View attachment 43254

Also figured out the new removal pliers can help get the j-clips started.
I've bought 2 different specialty j-clip pliers and they both suck! I used to sit and bend all of the clips. The curve I'd crush to be more closed, then bend the straight tail. They would never go on properly otherwise! Wtf is up with that?? C-rings for hogs and such are a better clip, they always ring properly, but already had the bags of j-clips on hand.
View attachment 43255

Website also got updated.

Working on the 3 frozen bun sales. Just need to find a day to deliver them. 80 for those delivered. 🤞

And I might have a live sale of the 2 proven does, bred doe and doe kit. Or a buck instead of one doe. 🤞🤞🤞🤞 Really hope it works out, don't want to cull the friendly does!
Lol, it's always crossed fingers with people.