Got the last 3 does moved in!
Then I did a head count by breed & a bit of a mess with the sf bucks! Looks like all are now pedigreed, so, two will be listed/culled. Brings the crazy number down a bit.
Most does are also now pedigreed!
Grand total of 25 buns. 23 when the 2 bucks leave. Guess I'll have to look them all over and see if I can't find 3 more to cull out...
Rex, total 12
Does, 10
Coral, pedigreed amber
Puff, lilac
Teal, mix, blue otter
Royal, pedigreed, mix, otter
Sky, partial pedigree, blue
Cruella, pedigreed broken castor
Berry, blue
Quincy, pedigreed, broken lilac otter
Opal, partial pedigree, opal
Quincy's pedigreed, broken black
Bucks, 2
Goliath, pedigreed, black
Quincy's pedigreed, black otter
Silver Fox, total 13
Does, 7
Jet, pedigreed black
Gilt, pedigreed, black tort
Navy, mix, blue
Inky, mix, black
Chick, pedigreed, black
Penny, black
Malty, pedigreed, broken black
Bucks, all pedigreed, 6
Vapor, broken black
Dime, black
Rivian, black
Zippy, blue. Sell
Digit, black. Sell
Guilded, black tort
Ella's reg blue doe, bred.
New cull kits.
Biggest, but worth keeping? I believe not. 6wks, no good.

Almost 9wks. Widy×Jasper. Might be worth keeping.