New idea for a rabbit colony.

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The problem wasnt near so bad when the chickens could run loose but as they are NOT allowed where we live they now have to be hidden in a corner of hte yard so they cant do their job. DE works great under the cages but when the poo piles up in corners and I dont notice it fast enough, the flies sure notice for me.

Florida Whites sound a nice thrifty breed.

The nest tunnels being at floor level, will that not negate the reason for putting the rabbits into a cage colony? If you are able to reach both sides of your - proposed - cage sides, could you hang your nest tunnel from the back side? That way you have the full size of tunnel but dont have to reach/bend down to check the kits? The door would have to be facing you in the side instead of the top but a four inch lip on the bottom should hold the nest in when you open the door.<br /><br />__________ Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:07 pm __________<br /><br />
Attal.Rabbits":sozvrnej said:
I know this sounds weired, but one time during the summer i didnt clean my rabbit cage for 4 days, and my rabbits ae inside my house! i had maggots too! i was just so suprised scince my rabbit lives in my living room! it was so gross ewwwww. I am not sure if you can use it for rabbits or not, i know i used to use it for the dog, have your tried straw for the bedding instead of hay? like i said i dont konw if straw is safe for rabbits. but it worked great for the dogs

So many different flying nasties breed nad live in rabbit manure that even inside you cant keep them out. And the kitchen garbage can is as bad, if it isnt full and doesnt smell bad, imagine my surprise when the floor has maggots scootching along looking for somewhere to pupate :evil:

i'm thinking more and more about making a cage colony. i have 4 growout cages that are each 3x5ft and 2ft high. i'm really thinking about connecting them into a colony cage. but my problem is my barn is angled with the hill its on and where i have available is along the side so cage floors would be uneven and odd...

wish i had a better way to organize my barn /:
I had chickens trying to roost on the rabbit cages so I blocked it off with chicken wire.

Guess what I got up there then?


They figured out right quick that the chickens and cats couldn't get them on the cages anymore so it got out of hand for awhile :evil: