New bunny! Now with photos!

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Feb 21, 2010
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My breeder just messaged me that she's got a pedigreed english pointed white doe for sale! Looks like I'll be getting Duncan a mate soon after all! Thank goodness I have two cages, I'm not sure I'm ready to be a bunny gramma yet!
Here they are! We ended up getting two new ones. A doe and a buck from the same litter. It's hard to find pedigreed angoras in FL so I wanted to nab them while I could LOL
they're sooo tiny!

Yes, They're both Full English. The one on the left is a pointed white doe and the one on the right is a REW buck
They are very cute! However, it looks like their feed bowl has a bunch of fresh greens in it. I advise all of my English Angora baby buyers to try to abstain from feeding rich/fresh food items until they are settled in and are older to avoid gastrointestinal upset while their gut flora is developing. I have never had a problem with something little here and there with the youngsters, but all it takes is once and it can wipe your babies out, especially with big amounts like that.

Best of luck!

It's actually dry timothy hay, well actually it's wet because it was pouring outside when I went to get it and carrying it from the house from the hutch got it and me all wet! I haven't had babies before, is timothy hay not okay? I'm really disappointed with the rabbit for dummies book I have and can't find my Storey guide anywhere.<br /><br />__________ Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:21 am __________<br /><br />Though this morning I did give them a piece of collard greens, about the size of a quarter each. Man do bunnies like that stuff! I'll refrain from that for now, they are both having reddish urine whiCH I think is strain from travelling so far yesterday. I am glad I got two though since they were sleeping on top of each other last night (so cute!) it makes me feel good that they have someone with them.
Wow, that picture really makes the hay look like handfuls of fresh grass/greens! I am glad that it is dried timothy though and don't worry- that is fine for your new additions. I just personally avoid feeding rich food items (fresh fruit, veggies, greens, etc.) when they are so young, especially right after they arrive from somewhere else and are dealing with new stressors as they acclimate. I always have free-choice hay available though with the gang, even with youngsters and they are always nibbling on it.

Best of luck!

Wow! They've got the bedroom slipper look down pat, haven't they? So cute! Do they have names yet? They look really young, somewhere around seven or eight weeks old?
Just thought I'd mention:
That Rabbits for Dummies is OK,
Put it is actually not the best book for gaining
proper needed knowledge to maintain a healthy herd of Rabbits.
If you get a chance I would suggest that you try to get a copy of:
"Rabbit Production" By McNitt, Patton Lukfahr and Cheeke.
This is also known in the rabbit circle as "The Rabbit Breeders Bible".
If I have a question I more often than not turn to this book.
Perhaps you can borrow a copy from your local library?
Once you glance through this book you undoubtedly will
want to purchase a copy. Those are very cute rabbits by the way,
My wife used to work with the English Angoras.
Dennis, C.V.R.