The kits. Ideally intended to be fryers, but I really like the tri-colour buck, and the magpie girl on the right side.
The harlequin does. So pretty. They're feisty, though, and are going to take a little while to settle in. I've already had a couple run-ins with Splash - she scraped me up when I was moving her from Ladysown's carrier to one of my own. Then again, when I got her home and was giving everyone hay, I startled her, and she turned into blender bunny in the cage, smashing against the sides of the cage and then trying to jump out. I grabbed her, but in trying to get her under control, she shredded my other arm, and kicked me in the face, just about catching my eye with her nail. I had some redness on my eyelid, but no blood, and even the redness is gone now. My sister has promised to send me safety glasses tomorrow. Lisa was more straightforward in her dislike of change - she just boxed me whenever I reached into her cage, lol.
Vicky, the polish doe. For such a small rabbit, she's surprisingly relaxed. A few token struggles when I've picked her up, and she prefers to sit at the back of the cage and watch what I'm doing, but other than that, no troubles with this girl.
Not pictured is Rufus, the solid chocolate Polish buck. I had to set up a new quarantine cage for him(actually he and Vicky both, I didn't like how Vicky was walking on the stretched steel), and by the time I was done, it was too dark for photos.
Disappointed that I didn't get to meet Ladysown herself, but so far very enthused with the rabbits. They're nice healthy stock, and I am sure once the Harlequins are settled in, they'll be nicer to be around. Very happy with the Polish, I think I made the right choice for my final small breed(it was a toss up between Polish, Mini Rex and Hollands). I will hopefully get some nicer pics tomorrow