new buck and there might be a problem

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2012
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I got a beautiful new buck ..he is just amazing but I noticed he is wheezing a when I got him the people had his litter box filled with fine grit kitty litter...its almost powder and he kicked up a lot of dust so I emptied that out thinking maybe that's the I being overly optimistic of could that really be the cause...I want to be prepared in case it isn't and I will know one way or another in a few days but I just would like to hear if I'm getting my hopes up pointlessly? :cry:
if the powder was really the issue and your not being overly optamistic, then it sounds perfectly reasonable. I would quarantine the rabbit minimum of 30 days and see if he is any better, if its kitty litter it should clear up quickly.
well he is in quarantine already I just worry he wont make it out :/
I keep a closed colony with my rabbits, but my dogs do sports and go to dog daycare and encounter many different pathogens. He may just be adjusting to the new viruses he is encountering at your place, just like kids in a daycare, animals catch minor colds as well, hopefully he will fight it off and become resistant to them in time.

To prevent a secondary infection, and help him get over this one, keep him in quarantine, try boosting his immune system (sorry, i have no idea how to do this for rabbits but i know others on the forum do) and minimize his stress levels to help him fight off the 'sniffles'.
Sinnfox":iynkhs2k said:
I noticed he is wheezing a lot...
Is he lifting up his head a lot? I had a buck come down with a respitory infection and he would do that to help breathe (he would wheeze as well).

Hope it is nothing serious. :(
he kinda looks like he is nodding his head at times when i come near him...he wheezes mostly when he gets excited...he gets excited everytime he sees people cause he wants to play with Im thinking maybe it is a respiratory infection...since it hasnt quite cleared up gonna see about getting him meds..he is to friendly to want to give up on to quickly
Mmm.. I don't have much experience with different infections (just from reading books), so I am not sure what exactly it could be. Somebody else will probably have a better idea on what would help. Your probably right in that it is a respitory infection.
Hope he gets better!