Well-known member
This is my first time posting. I read through the whole meat rabbit forum (I didn't ready all post, just ones that interested me). I thought it was time to post. I am not new to rabbits but haven't raised them for a while. I started out this time with 3 does and a buck I got from CL. They are older (most 4 and one 3 but I got them for a really good price ($5 each and they are nice looking rabbits). My plan was to breed them for my daughter to show the babies as a meat pen for 4-H. I figured even if some didn't produce or they had small litters she would be able to get at least 1 meat pen out of the bunch. When I got them home for some reason the buck's back legs didn't work. Couldn't figure out why and eventually had to put him down (not sure if it was trauma from the ride home, age, or what). So I searched and search and couldn't find another buck. I finally found one and went to take a look at it. He wasn't very good quality but it was all I could find so I bought him and took him home. So on the breeding date for the show I put the doe in with him and he tried and tried but none of the does would cooperate. I even tried leaving him in the cages with them overnight and nothing happened. So I ended up having to buy her some instead. Then I saw and add on CL for some free show quality bucks (they had too many and didn't want to butcher them) so I got 2 free nice looking, petagreed bucks. Then I was looking on CL and saw an add for some Californian and Cal/NZ cross rabbits. I went to take a look and they looked great. Ended up getting 7 does and a buck (3 pure bred Cali's, 1 red NZ, and 3 Cali/NZ cross does, and Cali/nz buck) plus a 2 compartment cage all for only $100. The red NZ got out of her cage a few days after I got her and our dog got her (very sad, she looked great and was such a pretty color). So now I have 9 does and 4 bucks (but the 1st poor quality one won't be around much longer). My plans for the rabbits is to raise for meat for us and to sell some for livestock shows. I tried again with the original 3 and they still didn't want to cooperate. So I tried the string on the tail and managed to get them bred. They are due on the 30th and 31 (that will be day 31). I hope they have them Tuesday because they weather will be warmer then (Monday low is 30 and Tuesday is 43). I am so excited! Sorry this was so long.