MamaSheepdog":2c26hsxs said:3mina":2c26hsxs said:mystang89":2c26hsxs said:fftopic3: but why do some people suggest heritage breeds for natural feedings instead of NZW and Cali's? My cali and NZW's grew up on pellets and were transitioned over to natural feed without a problem. I think I might be missing something :?
Because those two breeds were not developed for a forage diet and heritage breeds were. NZ and Cals were developed for an intense growth rate that isn't possible on a forage diet
Although they may not have been developed for it, it will be interesting to see how Mystang's litters do on it (if he ever gets anyokeeye: )... although I think his plan is to feed the growouts pellets. :hmm:
Mystang, perhaps you could have two groups- one fed forage and one fed pellets, and compare the outcomes?
lol, if my NZW or cali ever decide to get prego I'll try it and see what the out come is. I would have to have 2 separate litters from each though. One cali litter on pellets and one cali litter on fodder just to compare the growth rate and then do the same with NZW.