I liked the page too! I am not going to be getting my NDs until Sunday. I can hardly wait. This has been the longest 2 weeks ever ! As soon as they're home and comfortable, I'm takin pics!
Oh I feel your pain. I had to wait two weeks for my black otter doe. It was horrible! :lol:
So the breeder who's letting me use her buck changed her fee. Now she wants me to help her mom sell rabbits (since we know each other through 4-h, and she's the one that got me into ND's) at a show this Friday. I'm a little nervous, since this will be my first time doing business with strangers. But, hey, this will be a great learning experience!
Yeah it's horrible! It's not even counting the 2 weeks before that it took just to find someone who'd talk to me LOL. I've had plenty to keep me busy at least. Been cleaning out and making space in the basement. It's a finished basement and I plan to keep my buns down there when I get to having too many heh. We were just really lazy about putting stuff down there for a loooong time, so I've been having to reorganize and stack things better, and throw out old boxes we don't need. It's been really fun though working with my hub to plan where we'll put cages and how we'll make them,etc, etc. I am SOOOOO excited! Can't wait to show them off either!
How do you show someone how to sell rabbits? Like showing them or actually selling? Hopefully she won't ask how to make a webpage o__o haha<br /><br />__________ Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:49 pm __________<br /><br />Got my dwarfs today!! I'll try and get some pics taken tomorrow. I'm SOOOO excited! Breeder was super awesome and sold me some epic buns
Well that's cool that you helped with the selling! ;D I still didn't get pics today..been busy as heck and a lot of these buns are still a bit stressed from moving or not as used to handling. The babies are fine as well as the buck I have. But man all of the older does are kind of cranky. One is pregnant - was bred to the breeder's sable buck - she is actually fine - I've been letting her chill for the most part.
The 2nd doe was bred, but the breeder couldn't find much when she palpated her. Told me to put a nest box out just in case. She was pretty awesome..was sitting with me on the couch and being very relaxed. I noticed later she didn't have a weight on her pedigree and I wanted to see how much she weighed. When I went back to get her - she lunged and bit me! I was kind of shocked because she really didn't seem aggressive at all. Then she kept grunting at me. Oh joy.
The 3rd doe is just kind of spastic, but calms down after you get her out.
I looked it up and apparently does can get cranky as heck when they are pregnant. So who knows. She may actually have a baby or two in there after all. Any advice on dealing with Miss Cranky? I really like to handle my buns and get them personable. I am also not to keen on breeding does with a bad temperament either. It's just weird to me because she had been wonderful prior to that. At the breeder's and even earlier in the night!
It's just hormones. Plus, does tend to be very cage aggressive. One of my juniors is now going through her teens and is nasty as heck in her cage. She'll sit back on her hind legs and scratch my hand up. But, I am going to keep her till she's older so I can see if that's her nature or its the hormones.
Yeah I'm headed out to get some nice leather gloves today hah. I got:
1 Smoke Pearl doe - already proven with some beautiful babies to her name
1 Smoke Pearl buck - also gorgeous and so far the sweetest of the bunch
1 Sable doe - a baby..very docile
1 Black Otter buck - another baby
2 Black does - Both proven - Both the ones who were bred. I only wanted one, but she basically let me have the other for free. Also they were both bred to the sable buck so I'm hoping for a sable buck out of the babies. They both have a lot of shaded in their background too so that's not a bad addition. I mostly wanted them for making black otters with guaranteed ata offspring though to make martens eventually. I'm gonna have to give the little black otter dude some time to mature, but that works if they're both pregnant anyway. The black does are both gorgeous as well from a very good line that got out of the business.
I also need to get something to set my buns up for pics. I don't really have a spot set up right now so it's a pain. Ugh I am not looking forward to getting that one black doe who bit me out again. At least it wasn't hard, but I really hate when small animals bite out of nowhere.
Yes I came up with Shady Thicket Rabbitry but I haven't done much yet. Still a lot of work to be done with my setup. Some of the older rabbits I got are just not taking to the solid floors. They were all used to raised wire cages and so they won't use their litters to pee. Picking up pee of solid floors is getting old after 3 days of it. I keep hoping they'll get the hang of it, but I might end up having to put some wire cages together after all if they don't. I do plan on showing too once things get settled down. The young sable I have is beautiful and the breeder asked me to show her because she's so nice hah. I have to look into getting a tattoo gun/clamp though because she doesn't have an ear number yet.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:16 pm __________<br /><br />Oh and you can use sites like tinypic.com. They will give you a bbc format and all to link it directly.
yeah i made one on weebly but haven't published it yet. I need to get some good pics of the buns and so far after trying to get pics of my juniors, it has been such a flop. I can't get them to stand up more for proper positioning. They are always trying to lay flat.
Well I have found some really helpful topics on how a ND should look, so when I have the time I am going to sit down and thoroughly critique my buck. I might have found him a doe (she is not going to be cheap lol) but she sadly is still young so I will have to look at the parents to see what she may look like later on.
No rabbitry name picked out yet. You are lucky to have a good one. I am horrible at choosing names. My sister wants me to continue using the name she used when she bred rabbits on our property, but I want my own name that I can take with me if I end up moving. Hard choice.
Is weebly a good site for making a website? I am going to make one too eventually but want one that is easy to use.
I have the same problem as you do. My rabbits always lay down when I have the camera ready so I have to become inventive to get their attention.
Your NDs are lovely. I have a weak spot for siamese sables
Rachel: Now I'm still pretty new to this too, but I have a great mentor, and she has helped me to understand a lot of this stuff. Sometimes it's good to get let's say the perfect buck (type-wise) but you're not always going to find perfect type and color, that doesn't mean that you can't get some really good babies from the parents though. Instead you'd try to find a doe with good color - or parents who had good color and breed them to try and get a better result from the kits. Most people say it takes at least 3 generations to start getting solid results, so from what I've learned at least, it's not necessary to start out with perfect buns. If they have it in their line to be really good, or at least have some good traits going for them, then you can bring that out with the right breeding program.
Posing is a super pain. I spent a ton of time with my junior last night and I think we made some progress. She's still not into staying up stacked like she should, but I'll keep working with her and hopefully get some tips along the way.
Weebly is a great site..very easy to work with! I just made my site here: http://shadythicket.weebly.com/ I'm going to have to update my signature now to include it
Hoppin: I think my first name idea was Moonglow, and then I started thinking that since I'm working with shaded, that it should be incorporated into the name somehow. I thought up a bunch and that was my favorite on the list and it wasn't taken as far as a google search could tell me.
I can't wait for the convention, I am picking up quite a lot of rabbits. It was a good opportunity to get some from areas I wouldn't normally be able to get to. I know they have rabbit relay and transportation, but I can never seem to find what I need when I need it, so convention it is! It will be only 20 minutes from my home - so that is quite awesome!
Check out this guy I'm getting -he's gorgeous <3 Those ears! o_o
Awesome! We'll see if we can run into each other- I will be there every day to take care of the rabbits that were entered, so there should be ample opportunity!