Need help with flooring ideas!!!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
NE Newyork
So we've decided to go with that cool multi-colored slate tile to do part of the interior with... the problem is the area we want to do includes, the kitchen, "dining area", and door area....

We have a very open floor plan, and while its nice in some ways, its not really cosy and homey... The interior is "cabin like" with wood walls + ceiling. the floor right now is that fake wood floor (the puzzle like floor, idk what its called)

My husband whats to put the tile in "half" the house which will separate the living room area from the kitchen/dining/front door area in one flat, boring section...

I'm looking for pictures on how you guys have visually separated rooms with tile borders, etc....
Sorry, I have no pictures but I wanted to give a shout out to a product called Vinyl Plank Flooring. It is amazing. Easy to install with a boxcutter and t-square, looks like real wood or tile and comes in a variety of colors and is tough as nails. If you haven't selected your product yet take a look.

Oh, and to keep on topic, the wood style and the tile style will join together seamlessly.
that vinyl plank looks a lot like what we have right now... only we have like pressed wood, with vinyl on top. In the area we are replacing, its mostly because we had a leacy dishwasher that went unchecked for a very long time.. it was mostly brought to our attention when we "attempted" to adopt a dog, and he shredded by the door, and it stayed wet... so we figured out the problem, then peeled up right by the door (we have a cement slab under) But the moisture traveled and now part of the floor is puckered slightly, so now you can see the space in between the boards, and a lot of dirt gets trapped in there..

But we are really partial to go with real tile. And perhaps in the future replace the wood... The tile we are looking at will look something like the picture below when finished...
That is so pretty! Make sure to check the upkeep for slate...apparently it can be extra work.

I installed the Vinyl plank because it formed a solid leak proof barrier...I have dogs too! :)
That's really pretty...we put laminate flooring in our living room. It looked good for about two years. Then the grandkids came to live with us.....laminate can't hold up to water at all.
We put ceramic tile in the hallway ans bathroom. It is great. We also put large ceramic tiles in the entry ways, surrounded it with tile strips and then wood for the transition.
its funny, my husband picked that out ;) its going to look so nice in here... if the kitchen was more picked up id show pics of what im dealing with lol ... dishes are in the water... its as far as i got before i needed food lol and I will check that out, I plan to put a thick lacquer on it to save myself some work, as its so uneven, its going to trap dirt like crazy, and we have major dirt issues here... idk how.. we sweep several times a day, its a small place, and yet, hairballs and dustpan fulls are achieved each time... the dust mop is a god send, but it still misses it seems... I'm going to lay some area rugs in the living area to try can catch most of it.. id rather vacuum than sweep lol
This is somewhat older floor so not real nice tile and the carpet is now laminate (that interlocking fake hardwood) but this was how the kitchen and livingroom were separated


I will look for a picture of the more expensive tile she had in other places to split the area toward the porch from the rest of the indoors.

In my first house my laminate to carpet was just straight forward

Again there's a better pic of that house. One room was real granite tile and yet again I can't find the pic. Most of my pics of the houses are accidents while taking pics of the animals and plants. :lol:

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