Need help identifying my rabbits.

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Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
Emory, Texas
Evening folks,

I'm new to rabbit breeding and finished my hutch a few days ago. Since then I've been looking everywhere for NZ or Cali rabbits and while visiting my local flea market I think I found two. The couple selling them only spoke broken English so I couldn't get them to tell me.

Here is the male Rocky:



I want to say he is a Cali though I'm new to the :x

The female Adrian:


I think she may be a NZ.

Thanks for reading. :)

Also Adrian seems to be half the size of Rocky ~5lbs should I wait to breed?
Your male is a California. Not sure if 100 % though.
Cali's usually have VERY black ears, nose and paws.
What does he weigh ?

My guess on the doe is NZ. Not sure if pure.
I would wait till she gets somewhere near 8-9 pounds at least.
If she is a mutt, then she probably won't go that high.
Without knowing age, you will have to go by weight.

They are definitly good enough to start with.
Cali and NZ crossed make for good meat animals.

Welcome :)

I have Cali and NZ myself. Not sure of the age on my
Cali's so am going to go by weight. They are growing fast.
I don't want them bred too young and stunt them.
Rocky is 10 or so pounds and feels super solid. I think you're right about waiting on her. He might crush her just from mounting.

Thanks for the advice guys it's much appreciated. :)
The pure white one could be a Florida white if she stays small. I find it hard to tell without them posed.
I was going by the second pic of the white bunny. Looks young to me.
Maybe 10 to 12 weeks. I see NZ. But really hard to tell by just a pic.

I don't know anything about Florida whites. How big do they get ?
Posing means to me, what the judges want to see at a show.
The rabbits are posed to show off their bodies.
What little I remember from 4H with the kids :)
Ah ok I missed out on that as a kid. We always lived in places where rabbits weren't allowed lol.<br /><br />__________ Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:36 pm __________<br /><br />Added two new does to the heard today. The person I bought them from swore they were from a red NZ buck and black NZ doe. Would the coloration on the brown one be considered a harlie? Thanks again guys.





Dood":15ddpopc said:
Would the coloration on the brown one be considered a harlie?
yes, she's a harlequin.

Her nose, ears and feet look like she has some brown "smudge" on them so she could be a torted harlequin.
Neat, though to be honest I'm confused about harlequins are they a breed or a pattern? If a breed would that mean that she is mixed?
I'm confused about harlequins are they a breed or a pattern?
They are both.

Just like there are Himalayan, a breed rabbits that only come in the himilayan colour, but many other breeds come in this color, like Netherlands Dwarfs and Californians. Other breeds are named after the colour they come in - ie American Chinchilla only come in the chinchilla colour, American Sable in sable, etc...

The harlequin colour has been introduced to many breeds and after 3 or more generations they are considered purebred by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA for short) which is the governing body for rabbit showing. Unlike dogs, a mixed / mutt rabbit can eventually have purebred descendants after 3 or more generations.
Dood":2at1gl5u said:
I'm confused about harlequins are they a breed or a pattern?
They are both.

Just like there are Himalayan, a breed rabbits that only come in the himilayan colour, but many other breeds come in this color, like Netherlands Dwarfs and Californians. Other breeds are named after the colour they come in - ie American Chinchilla only come in the chinchilla colour, American Sable in sable, etc...

The harlequin colour has been introduced to many breeds and after 3 or more generations they are considered purebred by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA for short) which is the governing body for rabbit showing. Unlike dogs, a mixed / mutt rabbit can eventually have purebred descendants after 3 or more generations.
Ahh ok that explains a lot then; thank you very much Dood. I really enjoy her color along with regular NZR. Hopefully I'll get some from her litters if I'm really lucky. :lol:
Unfortunately the genes giving her the red colouring is rather rare so if you don't have a red or orange or fawn buck then breeding her to a son would be your best bet to get some.

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