Need good vibes for my soon to kindle does!

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May I suggest a hutch off the ground and sides on all but one. The ground can have a seeping cold that will chill the kits and the drafts can be quite cold too. Wood sides would help to stop the cold. Since the rabbits don't sit their nests they need more protection than what it looks like in your pictures. I hope you have better luck with the next bunch.
Nest had 3 layers of cardboard on the bottom along w/the wood. 1 layer of cardboard on all 4 walls and over the top, only 5in open for the doe to get in and out.
No hutch, no more money to waste on them this year.

I'm not happy about the Am Chin not being preggo either. Think I'm going to try and sell her and thinking about selling the Cali buck, too.
So sorry...{{{hugs}}} I know that even though it doesn't get nearly as cold here, I stuff the box completely full of hay. Also, she might need more room to maneuver. Hopefully, she will get it right the next time.
She got it right, temps went awry.<br /><br />__________ Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:11 pm __________<br /><br />I guess I will like the outside of the cage w/cardboard next time and cover half of the bottom, too.
yea, but too many crazy ppl spamming me, so into the can they go instead. i don't think the dog will eat them
Sorry to hear you lost them all.

I have a doe that took three tries to get it right. Her first litter was born all warm and snugly with plenty of straw and fur in the box. The next day, they were all dead. Second litter, same thing, but with one survivor that died later. I was getting worried that something was wrong with her. Third litter, 8 born, 7 raised. She turned out to be great a mom.
I'm giving her another chance, gonna rebreed her tomorrow. Blame myself for not going out when I woke up at 7:30am, some might of had a chance, who knows. Gonna wrap the cage w/cardboard, saving boxes to layer it. I kept the nest full of hay/fur for next time. She seems to be stepping up each chance, though this time was not her fault at all. She even came over when I was taking the doa kits and she was licking one of them trying to wake/stir it. No biting or w/e some say happens, she just seemed surprised they weren't moving. We had a slightly warm week for her kindling, hoping for the same next time.

Am Chin's breeding seems to be a bust. Going to rebreed her tomorrow as well.

Hoping the Cali pair's breeding worked out. Still have until the 28th, I believe, for her birth.
Evidently, if they don't stay together and they scatter, no amount of hay/fur will help them keep sorry! {{{hugs}}} Third times a charm? Keeping all fingers, toes, eyes, etc. crossed for next time!
Huh? Why wouldn't they be fine on the ground..?
The 3x9ft[roughly] cage has a bottom because the sides are flimsy. Dog crate has no floor nor does the 30x36in cage. They don't spend so much time they dig out.
You're a little warmer than me, but in your picture the cages just look really exposed. That's just my opinion, you have to do what's right for you and your family.

I'll agree with currituck though that maybe up off the ground and some wood would help you a little bit better than cardboard. It might save some frustration and heartbreak. I was told by the rabbitry I purchased my NZ's from that a kit can get chilled to death in temperatures as warm as 70 degrees over night. It doesn't take much when they are that young.
Ok, now I'm confused as to what we are talking about.

The long cage row? Or are you talking about the grass pens?
Long cage has a thick rubber mat on top, 2 short sides and the back. Also has a front cover of foam. They are already off the ground.
Grass pens are just for eating grass for a couple hours on the weekend. Nothing else.

your long row isn't pictured here, except close ups- it's in your "Cage Row is Done!" post.
Yes, close up of one hole of the long cage is posted here. Grass pens are also posted here.
ChickiesnBunnies":148tckj5 said:
Yes, close up of one hole of the long cage is posted here. Grass pens are also posted here.

For whatever reason, I cannot see the pics just says "image" where each pic used to be....
Anyway, rebred both does. Both mounted the buck, it freaked him out a little. lol.
Am Chin accepted 2nd breeding, red/purple color.
SF never accepts and is never the right color until after a few breedings over 2-3 days.

Not sure why the pics don't show, they show for me. :/
Hey, don't take everything so personal. I'm not trying to criticize you at all. You are posting about problems you are having and others, not just myself, are offering some feedback. No one is trying to tell you what to do, just giving some feedback.

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