Need good vibes for my soon to kindle does!

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Mar 5, 2011
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My SF doe failed miserably at caring for her kits the first time. 2nd breeding did not take. I'm hoping this time it did and she will be a good mom! Silver Fox x Silver Fox. Lis is due on the 17th!
The Am Chin doe is new, but should also be carrying! American Chinchilla x Silver Fox. Mróz is due on the 16th!
Lastly, my Californian doe. Californian pair. Królik is due on the 28th!

:!: Please send good vibes to them so they all have good litters and most importantly, care for them!

I've had the nest boxes ready for a full week. Added cardboard to the sides, bottom and top for extra insulation. There is 2.5in of shavings, but no hay. I will let the does gather the hay on their own. My SF went nuts last time and used it as a toilet, :evil: even when there were kits in there! So shavings really shouldn't be so tasty that she will want to sit and eat...

I've got some lint saved up as well for more insulation once the kits are here.

:?: Side question. If Buns turns out to be a female, how long should I wait to breed her? Btw, she is a 4 month old tort Holland Lop. Which buck would be a small enough breed not to risk kits being too large, if any? Bucks are; Silver Fox and Californian.
For holland does you should wait till their 6 months to breed them...depending on how big she is..i think a cal and a silver fox would be too big and she could have complications and die..ive had ot happen with jerseys and their a half pound difference in size so idk have you tryed just getting another holland?
Good luck on the does that are soon to kindle!:)
:pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny:
Lots of good bunny kindling MOJO heading your way!
Thanks! I'll update here if/when they arrive!

I thought they might be too big. I don't want another buck, so she will stay a pet then. =)
:pinkbunny: :bouncy: Crossing my fingers for you, for many healthy, wiggly, poppin' popples! :bunnyhop:
SF doe, Lis, got her box today, she ignored it until I left. I was in the house and looked out, noticed she was 'missing!' So I go out and she is sitting in the nest, luckily, I noticed some hay behind her and her hay net half empty! She didn't leave the nest while I checked on the others, that worried me she may potty in it. She just had her little head out watching me...

Am Chin doe, Mróz, also got her box. She tired to eat it from all angles and then sat on the top. When I came back when Lis was freaking me out, she was also in the box digging in the back, but no hay. Both had tore up the cardboard.

I wired the nests to the cage wall so they cannot scoot them around, flip them or what have you. My SF did that the last times and ended up putting it in her potty spot, was already too late for that, lol. Had to wire a water pail down to the cage floor, one rabbit is always flipping it and moving it and pissing me off with it.
how exciting Chickies I am hopeless at this point, got to be checking on the doe all the time, I drive them crazy, but I guess they are used to me know lol.
Lis has her nest built and she is HUGE! But the Am Chin pooped in hers and is not that interested. I'm no longer sure she is bred, lol.<br /><br />__________ Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:17 pm __________<br /><br />Lis has added fur to her nest, she is still huge. Am Chin doesn't seem to be preggo.
More bunny MOJO!

:pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny:

Cannot wait to hear that she popped!
Still nothing, no babies in the nest, but shes still huge.
Been letting the other rabbits out into pens on the grass.

__________ Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:30 pm __________

Shes pulling lots-o-fur and moving hay. Added a ton more of hay and took some pics, none very good.<br /><br />__________ Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:01 pm __________<br /><br />








9 kits, all frozen to death!! Tons of fur, tons of hay, perfect nest, all
Awwwwwwww, how terrible!!! :( I am so very sorry, I know how excited you were to have kits!
Oh, no! They were all in the nest, and all dead??? So sorry. With your cover at night I'd think they would have been okay since you mentioned the water crocks didn't freeze.

First time momma? If so, her instincts, while good, may have kicked in a little late on the fur-pulling. They may have got too chilled before she got them covered up. A pity... but she'll likely do fine next time.
No, 2nd kits. 1st time she had 5, all on wire, she did nothing about the nest. She pooped and stomped on them when I moved them into the nest.

This time, she made the nest around Thursday, then I gave her more hay Friday, she was still hogging all the hay Saturday, yesterday. She was pulling TONS of fur! No kits last night, she was stuffing the nest full of hay and fur. When I pulled the nest box out, the back had a perfect round nest, solid hay and fur, babies all over the nest, on top, under fur and hay.
Water was not frozen today either.
You guys might be surprised if I showed you just how much fur there was, could of made another 10lbs rabbit out of it!<br /><br />__________ Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:26 pm __________<br /><br />I don't even think the Am Chin is pregnant! Ugh!

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