In each one, does it have its own thermometer / humidity gauge? Or is there one thermometer for the entire thing? Or (since it might have not a thermometer or humidity gauge) is there only one heater for the entire thing?
If you can regulate the humidity in each drawers, it'll work fine. If you can't, then you will have some unnecessary losses. Not horrible, just a fore warning. Heck, if each drawer has its own temp. Heater then you can hatch different types of eggs! Most eggs use 99.5 for a base line anyways, but still..
Sounds fun. I've always liked EEs but their laying never impressed me much. How are the ameracaunas? All the EEs look very similar to them, so I'm pretty sure most hatcheries get ameracaunas, and then just poorly breed them. From what I've heard 'back in the day', EEs used to be MUCH more varied, and better layers. Sadly, it seems perhaps the hatcheries thought people were catching on, so they started getting more ameracauna like EEs. Or they just kinda crippled a good mix. I like green eggs, but my only good EE was an ugly, old hen who was the meanest and flightiest thing you'll ever meet. I liked her at first, but she was so smart, AND mean, I came to hating her. She once spent an entire winter laying in the shed - 3 dozen eggs had to be thrown away - 3 dozen GREEN eggs - because who knows when they were laid or if they were viable (to eat). Then she started eating eggs, and one day I carried her to the neighbors, and just 'released her' because she was fighting me and I didn't want to carry an annoying chicken back up the road (500 ft if I had to guess). Well, she lost her way (500 ft! She's wandered down this far before!) and the neighbors and I spent an entire day catching her. After that, I was just like 'ok, I'm done with this bird'. My neighbor had a yummy casserole dinner, and the next few days we started getting twice as many eggs as before. She WAS laying (she had yolks in her tract) but she was also eating them, so, sorry gal.
Ok done with my rambling, lol.
I like having white, brown, green, and blue eggs. So we had brown egg layers, an EE (who never did lay!), and ducks. The ducks gave me greenish - white eggs (the green would come from an oily layer on the egg, it was very interesting, but a very light tint), the egg layers gave me brown, and the EE should've gave me a green / blue egg a day / every 2 days, but she never laid. I also thought I had a leghorn, but it was a Welsummer, so brown eggs.
I like having white eggs because after seeing nothing but white eggs for 6 years (storebought), brown eggs become a SPECIAL and MAGICAL and BEAUTIFUL thing. Same applies if you get nothing but brown eggs for 3 years, having white egg layers becomes AWESOME.
I just like having a variety, lol. Also gave me an excuse to own duckies!