I accidentally closed the tab while i was typing, i was going to burst in tears but then i tried to 'open closed tabs' and it completely came back with all of the text!
thank god this forum has such a feature build in, others don't so you have to start writing allover again! :x
MamaSheepdog":2hpds6vw said:
Do you have more than one feeding station set up for pellets? I only see the one big tray... maybe the other rabbits are more dominant, and she is only getting to snatch a mouthful here and there?
Hi MamaSheepDog
She is actually the 'alpha' rabbit in the group so she gets to eat whatever she wants, luckily nobody is left out.
Everybody gets to eat, even rabbits that are just added new to the colony, so that's not the problem there.
I only use that black tray and i feed 3x times a day and they get a pile of hay in between, that's more than enough i think.
It's not that i think she is thin and tired, she is her usual bouncy self and her belly is still bulging out so that's not the issue. It's her looking worn out and her fur feels and looks dull, she looked like a totally different rabbit a few months ago before breeding.
i thought it was because she is currently raising a litter of 7 and was bred back by the buck accidentally, since raising kits and being pregnant at the same times is exhausting her, but she doesn't seem to be pregnant so what's the problem then?
It's not really a big of a deal but i makes me wonder how i can help her recover again.
MamaSheepdog":2hpds6vw said:
BOSS (Black Oil Sunflower Seeds) are good for weight gain and improving the coat. You also might consider adding grains to your herd's diet. Look here for ideas:
trinity-oaks-grain-feed-mix-t6809.html Piper posted my grain ratios on page two at the bottom of her post. I no longer feed pellets, but when I did, I offered the grain mix in the morning, and fed pellets in the evening. Some people feed Calf Manna, and it is an excellent supplement which I have used with my horses and also fed to the rabbits initially until I read the ingredients and found it contained mainly corn. I had no adverse effects, but don't want corn in my rabbit's diet.
Thank you, that seems interesting, i will look into it and hopefully will try it soon!
I live in the netherlands so the US brands are not available her.
I feed Besterfood
nutrient - Function - Quantity
Crude protein - build and maintain muscle - 15.9%
Crude fat - energy, skin and coat - 2.9%
Crude ash - Minerals and trace elements - 7.4%
Crude fiber - digestion and stimulation - 16.8%
Methionine - 0.32%
Phosphorus - Bone and teeth - 0.55%
Vitamin A - Eyesight and mucous - 10100 IU / kg
Vitamin D3 - Muscles, Pregnancy and lactation - 1000 IU / kg
Vitamin E - Muscles, Pregnancy and lactation - 40 mg / kg
Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate (Cu) - 10 mg / kg
Are the proportions to these nutritions right? Please let me know what you think of the food
MamaSheepdog":2hpds6vw said:
I don't know if you are raising for meat at all, but I do. In my last batch of 16 that we processed, I found two that had pinworms, so I wormed my entire herd, with the exception of two growout pens that will also be headed to "camp" soon- and I didn't want to wait 30-60 days after worming them. Fecal smears are hit and miss for detecting worms, since the eggs need to be present in the feces at the time the sample is taken. If you want to dose them prophylactically, you can find the dosage I used here:
I think that as part of good herd management even if raising only for pets, it would be a good idea to dispatch a couple rabbits a year. Akane raises colony style, and recently found that a high percentage of the young have cocci infections, but appear outwardly healthy. I would never have suspected my rabbits had worms, either.
Good luck with your mama doe! Hope she starts gaining soon.
I only have pet rabbits so i don't raise for meat but i never thought of worms!! Good thing you told me about it, so need to search more on this subject, and look for signs of worms being present and how to prevent/treat them.
Luckily i have some pictures that i took a few days ago
This is the doe i am worried about, she is the dominant female in the colony and mother of 7 kits.
The fur is dull and not as vibrant as it was before.
This is her in march, look at the difference!! Will she ever look like this again?
She is the one in the back, the smaller doe on the left is her 4month old little sister. They have the same parents bot born a year apart.
She is sitting in the tray
I love this photo, he is 2 weeks old, the orange doe is his mother.
5 Bew's with their older sister, how cute!
This is how the colony pen looks like now, i added another hutch for the other doe to kindle in it.