He does the same to my hand, thus I used the stick and didn't risk my hand. Don't have a glove, wouldn't trust it would be thick enough, lol.
Went to a swap and traded the HL for a Silkie roo, a bird can free range while a rabbit needs a pen. So it worked out fine for me.
Moved Ciemny, aka Mr Evil, to his new grass pen. He was in his box napping. Took me some time to catch him, but this time he didn't scream bloody murder! =D
He is next to my adult SF and my new SF doe out on pasture.<br /><br />__________ Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:28 pm __________<br /><br />Oh, moved his box along with him to the new pen. Pen is covered 2.5-3ft so they have a dry area in the shade and for their food. But thought the box may be good also.