my butcher video...

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bowbuild":1yhzm15u said:
I couldn't disagree ever smell that urine??? Especially a buck??

Considering that I raise rabbits, why yes...I have smelled it before... :) I just rinse it off. I have never had a problem with it personally, but then I don't often puncture the bladder...but it has happened.
I know it is sterile. The reason I was concerned about getting it on the meat is because I only had very limited clean water for rinsing off the meat where I was butchering them. The meat would then be frozen and not rinsed again until before cooking. So I wanted to avoid the urine getting on the meat.
Jessykah":2d6mlxij said:
I know it is sterile. The reason I was concerned about getting it on the meat is because I only had very limited clean water for rinsing off the meat where I was butchering them. The meat would then be frozen and not rinsed again until before cooking. So I wanted to avoid the urine getting on the meat.

Ah, well that makes sense! LOL Lots of people don't know that the urine is sterile though, and they will freak out about it getting on the meat.
bowbuild":1gdo157m said:
Urine sterile or not stinks! I am very sensitive to tastes, I won't even eat a buck after he reaches maturity..

Ah, well then your nose "knows" best for you! :) I am the same way about perfumes and such...
Perfume!....I call women that wear to much perfume, or men that wear too much cologne walking human skunks!!(and they think they smell good :? ) Cat piss is the worst for me....when I smell that ...well...refer to my video! :D
bowbuild":21la0ilc said:
I know what ya mean...I as well have not hit them just right in the past. I also had to convince myself nothing is perfect in life, and practice makes perfect. I like the idea of the bat to the head because it on contact kills the rabbit instantly. People think that breaking the neck is a instant kill.....I am NOT convinced. Lots of animals including us can have our necks broke, and be VERY much alive. When you break the neck there are no movements that are programed from the brain, BUT I wonder if they are truly brain dead, or just not able to move??? I figure if you hit them it knocks them out, and the bleeding usures their death....most of the time their necks are broke as well with the hit.....if you listen carefully you can hear the snap in the video.


A whack to the back of the head is a humane kill. The heart has its own neural system and will continue to beat for a little while after connection to the brain is lost. Even if there is a hearbeat, once the connection to the brain is disrupted any concept of pain is gone. Movement at that point is just like static on the lines.

I was originally taught to kill with the whack to the back of the head so that you could get a better bleed out by cutting the carotid/jugler while there is still a heartbeat.

Thanks for the video. In my opinion it is one of the best I have seen on the subject.
I just watched this video again- I am planning on using the butchering method, somewhat modified- I will probably hang the rabbits for skinning because we will be doing some older ones which are harder to skin. Also, I will be shooting the spine just below the skull- I wonder if the rabbits will bleed out sufficiently with the head on, or should I use the tried and true method of cutting the head off to bleed them out?<br /><br />__________ Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:10 pm __________<br /><br />Surprisingly, Hubs liked the look of this method of killing, so we decided to try it. They die immediately with little twitching, but none have bled out through the mouth or ears- we have to cut their heads off. What are we doing wrong? We have dispatched six, with one more to go.
I used the little bat the insurance folks give out to break a window in case of fire to whack the 6 I butchered after watching this video. Yes, I like this method much better ... easier on my back, only had one that I might not have gotten a clean hit on, and a second hit to the back of the head made sure ... 2 of the 6 did bleed out like in the video, the others, I just went ahead and removed the head and still had a good bleed out on all but one.

I am going to try to do the "thank you" this time, it didn't work last time :p
Hitting the rabbit right on the back of the head is crucial for bleed out. The video shows how I am in a way, petting the rabbit with the stick. I do this to get the rabbit to tilt its head forward. You must wait till the rabbit is calm before the strike. Look at a rabbits head from the side, right after the ears going tward the neck is your aiming point. You want the strike to be almost straight down, if you don't you could hook the neck, and bruise the shoulders. Really though this is a over description, it is pretty easy once you get it down, and once you do the bleed out will come with the apropriate strike. :) One more thing you will find a slightly longer stick easier to use than to short.....I like around 30 inches, it makes a big difference in comfort, and being more least for me.

Well,I did my firt rabbit today. My hubby did the kill behind the head . I showed him this video. YOu sure can hear the neck break. Then it starts to bleed out of its nose. We hung it to clean it. DIdnt go as good as i thought it would. The next one i am going to lay it down. I soaked it with the garden hose. There was no fur flying around. I really like that idea. WOrked awesome.
Thanks bowbuild for taking the time and posting that video. My husband and i must of watched it like 3 times before we started then again after to see what we did wrong. I had a bit of a trouble around the tail. Watch the video again and think i got it. This thread should be a sticky. :)
After you go up both legs with the knife cut the skin across the belly (I think this was clear in the vid) I should have made the tail a little more obvious, but all you do is snip the tail bone the rest is removed with your fingers NO KNIFE needed up to the point of removing the head and front paws I prefer a pair of meat scissors at that point. Try gutting on a non-slip surface, or you will be frustrated. I use a old cage top so the water and any blood goes through, and the carcass does not slip around.Rabbits are so small at butcher age I think it is a waste of time hanging them. I can do a rabbit in almost half the time of the video once I am on a roll. A very sharp knife, and the RIGHT knife will speed the process. A large deer hunting knife in my opinion is NOT the appropriate knife to use, I like the smallest fillet knife I can find, or a small pocket knife. Good meat shears are very helpfull.

I have seen responses to rabbits that are not happy being hung by their hind legs during the kill, you can adjust their attitude with a goods slap to the head with your hand. I will soon do another vid showing this up to the kill. I have considered using a stun gun and may try that in the future.

I always have trouble at the tail end too- I know there must be an easy way, but I have yet to find it. When snipping the tail bone, I make a "V" notch, but am always careful to hold the intestine up as best I can to avoid cutting it. A close-up of that part of the procedure would be greatly appreciated!
I will be butchering soon....any other requests for close ups, I will try to accomadate. No need for a v cut. I will show you how I do it. What do you mean by trying to avoid cutting the intestine??? If you are refering to the anal opening I shear right through that along with the tail.
When i got close to the tail part i was watching not to cut the bowels ect. I came down on one side and then on the other side. Then i had to turn the rabbit a little . From there i had to watch not to cut the bowels. So it was a little tricky for me there. The one i did wasnt a small rabbit,
umm...what happens if the urine sack(which wass almost empty anyway) erupts but you rinse the meat off for like 5 minutes after to make sure it's clean....and then accidently puncture an intestine and a very small amount gets on the meat but you clean it up immediately? If that happens is the rabbit a waste or can I just clean it up and go on?
raetcd":7xb70tuj said:
umm...what happens if the urine sack(which wass almost empty anyway) erupts but you rinse the meat off for like 5 minutes after to make sure it's clean....and then accidently puncture an intestine and a very small amount gets on the meat but you clean it up immediately? If that happens is the rabbit a waste or can I just clean it up and go on?

Clean and move on with both, meat is not a super absorbent material. That's why we marinate for several hours at minimum rather than seconds.

When I cut the tail off I separate the skin from above the tail, about 2 fingers width, and cut it off. Then I cut around the vent and split the pelvis.