My bunny has cancer/ tumor! :( Pleasei need advice

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Mar 6, 2013
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I noticed a very large lump under the right front leg (kinda like his armpit)on my 10 year old bunny Cookie. I took him to a local vet and he said it was a cancerous tumor and that he cannot do much. He tried to take fluid out of it and nothing came out. That is when he concluded he is almost positive it is a cancerous tumor, but put Cookie on an antibiotic just incase it is an infection (slight chance). The vet says there really aren't too many options. Cookie has had ear/eye infections on and off since August and has been on and off eye/ear drops since August. The large tumor literally came up out of no where. I was at the vet February 8 and he did not notice it, and it is rather large. I am putting antibiotic ear drops in his ears after cleaning the pus out and giving him an oral antibiotic. He is still happy and eating a lot! He isn't as active, but still constantly runs around. I only started taking him to the vet this past year because of the ear and eye problems. He has been a great, loving bunny with barely any health problems!

I just would like to hear some opinions/ input on what to do. I'm rather upset about the whole situation, but I know he is a very adult bunny. Anything will help. Thank you!
I am very sorry to hear about Cookies diagnosis, unfortunately cancer takes most of our companion animals in the end. Like the vet says, there is not much to do but keep him happy and not in any pain. If the tumor keeps growing as quickly as it has, it will eventually affect his movement or may even develop an open sore that will be very painful for him.

You have done an excellent job in keeping him for 10 years but animals don't care if they live to 10 or 100, as long as they are fed, watered, given companionship and not suffering, so don't feel sorry for him and make his last days the best days of his life.
As long as your friend is eating and seems happy, enjoy your time together. I had a rat with a brain tumor and the vet told me that when she quit eating and started to smell funny, it was a sign her organs were shutting down and her quality of life was such it would be time to say goodbye. I hope your Cookie's "tumor" turns out to be something the antibiotics will help. If not, I'm sorry.
We had a bun who started getting fatty tumors when he was nine. The vet wasn't sure if they were cancerous or not, we couldn't get fluid out either. They didn't hamper his movement and he was still behaving and eating normally (for an old bun that means taking it easy but still exploring all over the house). He lived another three years until he broke his lower back and was paralyzed on the back legs. Up until that point he was the same fatty pampered bun. So he lived to be about 12 years old even with his tumors. So if it ends up being a fatty tumor and it doesn't grow out of control, your bun could have some miles left in the quality of life tank. If it is cancerous, just keep your eye on him for behavior signs. You've had him for a decade, you know the bun as well as a person can.
You can get an exray and see if it can be removed or let it be and let him live on until he passes naturally.
Thank you all so much for your help. I am going to bring him to another vet that is more rabbit savvy to get a second opinion and hopfully some more definite answers. I greatly appreciate your input and will keep you updated!
I'm wondering whether it's actually an abcess rather than a tumor. Those can be treated with antibiotics (and in some cases lancing/draining), and if you get them early enough, the rabbit can recover completely. Hopefully the rabbit-savvy vet will be able to tell the difference.