my 3/4 nz 1/4 fg doe is due!~ She popped 10! pics!

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Nov 5, 2011
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I am SO SO SO SO SSOOOOOO super excited :D this is her first litter. She is 3/4 nz 1/4 fg and her coloring is gold tipped steel. She was bred to my Florida white buck, also going to be *his* first litter. Lol i have posted about them before but i have had this doe (and the nz red doe) since they were 9wk olds and they are now 8 months old! I have also been through MANY bucks trying with all my past does to get good growouts.
So here it is, fate hanging in the balance if she will be a good mom and if she will give me good fat fryers.... and i have no more patience!!! D: hahaha! Day 30 was dec 11 (lol technically yesterday now) and she has a defined rounder baby belly!! Eeeeeeek she better not keep me hangin until late because i am so antsy i am liable to squeeze them right out of her! ((Haha i wouldnt really but i am super antsy!))

The litter will be, lol if i did my fractions out correctly,.. 1/2 florida white and 3/8 nz and 1/8 fg.

And i dont have a history on her and the buck is rew so who knows what will pop out :D or how many! The person that the buck came from had two does and she had said one would have litters of 5-7 and the other would have 6-9. So i am just hopin for healthy babies right now and that she has em in the nest! Then i can go back to worrying about them growing fast.

Hahaha so everyone cross your fingers... and toes... and eyes... maybe your arms and legs too ;)
These will be your first popples at your new place, too, wont they? So they are extra special! :p

I hope she gives you a nice batch of kits!

Can't wait to see the colors you get! :popcorn:
Yup yup :)
She hasnt popped yet... ): darn.. should i give her a tums? She has her nest all organized but nio fur pulled yet. She is acting very relaxed. She just sits and lets me pet her head now :) before she would squish into the corner and i would do my best to pet and snuggle her hahaha. So hopefully this means she will pop tonight!

She lays out like she is too fat to be bothered. But she got grumpy at me when i was wiring the feeder in. She was a food digger and i had to give her a small bowl wired tight to the door (hutch not cage) so she couldnt dig or tip her feed. So now i put the big j feeder in so she can get free fed with the kits on her.
She seemed peturbed that i was blocking the sun coming in her hutch. Lol interupted ther queens sunbathing.<br /><br />__________ Sun Dec 15, 2013 6:58 pm __________<br /><br />I was startin to really get nervous about her and this morning she finally popped :) TEN fat healthy kits :) looks like some blacks (which may or may not turn out gold tipd steel like momma) and a couple that look loke end up being otters and a couple blues :) i love blues so thats a super nice suprise. Hoping they turn out big and fat so i can consider keepin back one.

How do i post pics from my cell? /:
So litter of 10...
Looks like 5 blues, 2 blacks, and 3 agouti (probably end up gold tpd steel).

Someone on the facebook group said white bellies on the blues could mean they are actually opals... i have never seen opal in person so no idea. Need to find some pics of the color and see as the grow.
So excited to see how fast they grow :) everyone cross your fingers haha.

And i promise once i get this phone posting pics figured out i will put pics.

__________ Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:13 am __________

[/url] [/img]<br /><br />__________ Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:15 am __________<br /><br />Ok this pic postin from my cell is a nightmare.. not workin for me.. thats as good as i can get..
Lol someone with a computer or better at this than me help! Hahahaha....
GBov":3a8fk78z said:
How SUPER! How is she doing as a mum?

She is doing good :) one of the kits is definitely runt of the ten but i expected when she had that many i would probably lose a smallest one or that one or two would be smaller than the rest.
Wow, they look so big already! You do have opals by the way! :p

I lost the runt. It was one of the agouti. I guess nine is her limit. All the other kits were twice the size of the runt though so it didnt have much goin for it sadly.

The rest are growin like lil popple weeds though :) I think this doe and any keeper does from this litter will go into my new colony hutch. I am just waiting for the litter to get 4wks then i think should be fine to move them. And momma is doin great too. If she keeps on condition i think i will breed her back about 5wks post kindle to my new Silver fox buck :) see what she has with him.<br /><br />__________ Mon Dec 23, 2013 3:00 pm __________<br /><br />Nine days old and the fattest kit is peekin an eye open. Love em so much. Definitely thinkin a couple of these fatties will hang around for future breeders. I am seeing the brown coming through the blue. Not too big on this opal color /: thankfully the big fatties are agoutis so if any stick around it will be of them.