We had a great day Music City RBA show today
Show A:
GP Zoe BJD 2/4
GPMuse BJD 1/4
GP Lyric BJB 1/3 BOSV
GP Smoke SJD 2/11
GP/Milkhouse Blueberry SJD 6/11
GP/ Milkhouse Kiss Me SJD 4/11
GP Claudia 1/11
LOJ Colossal 1/4 BOV,BOB, Honorable Mention
GP Sugar 1/6 BOV * She went head to head with Colossal for BOB. Close one!*
GP Tex 1/3 * Never enough for legs :<*
Show b: ( was not thrilled with the judge posing everyone's mini lops with their feet touching their elbows!)
Zoe 1/4
Muse 2/4
Lyric 2/4
Smoke 2/11
Claudia 3/11
Blueberry 1/11
Kiss Me 8/11
Tex 3/3
Sugar 2/6
Colossal 4/5
Overall, an excellent day. LOJ Colossal was bred to GP Tex and I'm already looking of who to let go to make some cage space. So many beautiful homebreds!
Show A:
GP Zoe BJD 2/4
GPMuse BJD 1/4
GP Lyric BJB 1/3 BOSV
GP Smoke SJD 2/11
GP/Milkhouse Blueberry SJD 6/11
GP/ Milkhouse Kiss Me SJD 4/11
GP Claudia 1/11
LOJ Colossal 1/4 BOV,BOB, Honorable Mention
GP Sugar 1/6 BOV * She went head to head with Colossal for BOB. Close one!*
GP Tex 1/3 * Never enough for legs :<*
Show b: ( was not thrilled with the judge posing everyone's mini lops with their feet touching their elbows!)
Zoe 1/4
Muse 2/4
Lyric 2/4
Smoke 2/11
Claudia 3/11
Blueberry 1/11
Kiss Me 8/11
Tex 3/3
Sugar 2/6
Colossal 4/5
Overall, an excellent day. LOJ Colossal was bred to GP Tex and I'm already looking of who to let go to make some cage space. So many beautiful homebreds!