I do understand. Most days we joke about me being a bunny psychologist. I have found that putting does that are aggressive into pre-established pens have best results, even then Its a game to see how can out smart me the fastest.
I also understand the backyard thing. When I was a kid my father had Dutch and every evening he would turn them out to run free in a yard fenced with chain link. Im sure you can picture it. A fence that is anything but rabbit proof and a 7yr kid trying to keep them in. At first I was sure my father was the most sadistic human on earth. Eventually the rabbits actually learned where they could and couldn't go. I have a Dutch doe that runs loose in the yard to this day. Im not saying people should do this. Im just saying that I understand how making a back yard work can be a trick at best. Sacrificing that precious space is hard. I have also found you can't have as many rabbits when you let them run. They eat the ground down to nothing and then you have health issues. In the same space I can have 6 Flemish does in a 20x20 I could have 4 times that in cages. Its a choice thats for sure. The rocking, the filling in holes, the bunny therapy.. LOL.. its a choice but one Im sure brings you as much joy as it does me. Once you get a hold of the minds of the rabbits you solve so many problems. I think as much as feed, shelter etc, the phyc of it all is the key to us being able to enjoy them, or hate them. I have a doe, Cinder that is a total dominate mess. She will literally hunt other rabbits in pens next to her and charge them through the fence. ( or try to) She is under control in a pen with 3 other rabbits. She is the black Flemish in the video. It took some therapy with that one.
Good luck Im sure you will work it out.