Mini satin angoras?

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Jul 15, 2013
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What do you guys think? I have though it would be a fun breed to develop for a while now, and then I run into this.

By the sound of it, I'm guessing that one of the does in the add is the little black bucks mother, and he looks to be fairly long coated and tiny to me. Not sure if I want to give it a shot, looks like line breeding might develop something fun though. The only cages I currently have open are for grow outs, but I really do miss the one satin doe I did have, oh, decisions decisions.

The worst part? Hubby won't even help me decide. Usually I get the standard ' no more rabbits' thing, (which is as ignored as many times as it is stated), but this time all I got was a 'oh, he's cute, did you call them yet?' Dunno what to think about that...
I have a little side project trying to develop maned Standard Rex. It is a lot of fun, but it does eat up some cage space. I currently have a full brother/sister pair, one of their daughters (I lost my keeper buck from the litter due to heat distress while we were away from home), and a litter in the nestbox.

We ate the original LH doe and I gave the buck to a friend so still have access to him if needed.

My plan is to intensively inbreed and line breed, and once I get each generation producing, the former generation will be retired from the program. Which in my house means they will go for a long dip in the crockpot. :dinner:

As long as you have the space available and an outlet for the culls, I say do it. :)

PSFAngoras":ayul7vje said:
Usually I get the standard ' no more rabbits' thing, (which is as ignored as many times as it is stated), but this time all I got was a 'oh, he's cute, did you call them yet?' Dunno what to think about that...

It's a sign!

Act now, since your hubby is exhibiting classic signs of Rabbitosis Acquireosis, which may blossom into a full blown case of Rampant Rabbitiosis. :p

What more could a wife want? :?
OHHHH now there would be a fiber rabbit breed I just might be interested in.
Okay, so I called the lady who owns them, she said she originally got them from the pound. Not sure if the doe is 100% satin angora, but said she wools like one. Also, she said the buck is he same size, shape as the doe. I'll have to wait and see, his ears look so short in the picture, maybe they're both fuzzy little satin woolers? Then most of the work will have already been done! I'll let you know when I get back! Meeting with her in 2 hrs

__________ Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:46 pm __________

Well, they turned out to both be black JW with the silver gene. (Or so I think, they have a LOT of white hair scattered through) I ended up buying them both though because they were so matted. The doe had a mat that was nearly half the size of her stuck to her back. They're hanging out in my office in quarantine right now, but I think I might just hang on to them and see if I can't find a pair of mini statins to cross them with to get my lil' satin angoras :)

Think the hubby likes them because they're small, must remind him of the angoras when they're babies. Huh, if I'd have known that sooner I might have gotten in the dwarf breeds. I'd probably have 40 rabbits by now instead of 14
I was going to say, that picture definitely looks like a JW. Looks like the Seal I have. JW usually have very Satin like fur on their own, as thy have more guard hairs. Having them actually made me want to supersize to the French.
Oh no, any rabbit kit will do, he'll go out to he cages to play with them and then when I'm not around, and if I catch him in the act he give me a big goofy smile and tries to hide the kit like 'huh, what, rabbit? I don't know what your talking about!'

Funny thing is I just found an add for pedigreed satin angoras in my area. Not enough money for that now after these guys, but at least these two have a home now that understands their grooming needs. I find it weird that that was the only thing they didn't do, they even had a full 3 story home made hutch and they are all fat and jolly like.<br /><br />__________ Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:02 pm __________<br /><br />Okay, so I bred them when I got them since they both were in good condition other than the mats, both came from the same place, and both were more than willing. I palpitaded today, and the doe took, so both of them work, yay!!! Now all I need to do is to find a pair of mini satins, cross breed them and then start some serious line breeding wih the kits...

Anyone know where I can get a good pair of mini satins in CO? :)
Cattle Cait":2j7eboep said:
That broken chestnut thing is CUUUUUTE!

???? Lost....

Anywho, my original thoughts were to breed a sain angora to a Netherlands dwarf, but pure satin angoras are hard to find here. That why I was so excited over the original ad.<br /><br />__________ Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:35 pm __________<br /><br />Okay, from the ad, I get it! :)

Ya, not sure if it was another Woolie or not. He was gone when I got the other two.

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