I am still mastering rabbit sexing of youngins. Apparently I had one female in with the pen of littermate males. The rest of the females have been separated since weaning. I caught one of the males on the female tonight mounting away. I didn't give a chance for a fall off just swooped her up and checked and it's plain as day now she's a she. I marked inside her ears with a permanent marker (HUGE thanks to the folks here who said that was a thing to do) and moved her with the pen of female litter mates. The males are due to be processed next week and I'm guessing I should do this female with them since I can't confirm actual breeding or not and do not want her to be a doe. The females I was hoping to wait a few extra weeks to process and give them a bit more time to grow. Is it even possible she's not bred or should I assume they got her and process with the males next week?
Thanks all!
Thanks all!