Meet our youngest "lonely only"... Pudge

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Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 16, 2009
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South Eastern Ontario
Our grey doe, Sage, kindled just over two weeks ago, but due to "interference" from our sex-crazed NZR buck, Jasper, only one survived. We have mom and kit here in the house until our changes to the colony are complete. It didn't take us long to realize, though, that we could not house them together all the time... The little guy (or gal) was swelling up like a water balloon from unlimited access to the milk bar. So we just pop him in twice a day to let him feed.

He is 16 days old and weighs just over 14 oz. I was calling him The Blimp but Brian and David felt this was unkind... so we have modified his name to Pudge.DSCF0001.JPG


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HE IS AWSOME! Such a pretty color :)
I have a tennis ball shaped bun from Thyme's litter, the rest are long, skinney and complain like their mom Queen BB.
Tennis ball! LOL!!! What colour is he?

Pudge is in with Sage as I type, tanking up... His big-little feet are waving in the air... Looks so cute. He'll come out looking like a tennis ball himself. No sign of splay leg or digestive problems, thank goodness... but oh my! He's a big one. In fairness, he has much bigger bones than most of our kits... Sage has a lot of Chinchilla in her and he seems to take after her.
I like agoutis. They are rabbit-coloured rabbits. :)

Pudge is much like Jasper in colouring... maybe a tad lighter and he/she has a pale tummy like a chin. I could get attached to this one... I'll have to watch it! :roll:
if I get into meat, I think I want NZR or Red Satins, now if only they made a red flemmish.....
I got one like that, and get this, he was raised (Thrianta) by a Polish doe, they are the same size now.
oh WOW. Pudge is a good name, lol. I think it looks more like a blimp, though, lol. So big and round and FAT!

My litter is two weeks today, and they are NO WHERE NEAR that size, hahahaha.
Pudge broke the one pound mark yesterday - 462 grams. I weighed him again this evening before his feeding and he weighed 490 grams. I moved Sage to a larger cage today with a litter box... she is avoiding him this evening but I guess she will let him feed eventually.
MaggieJ":2evuu2yw said:
Pudge broke the one pound mark yesterday - 462 grams. I weighed him again this evening before his feeding and he weighed 490 grams. I moved Sage to a larger cage today with a litter box... she is avoiding him this evening but I guess she will let him feed eventually.
Poor Sage! "omg...he's over there, lurking...don't make eye contact...back slowly away..."


I think I see a new book in your future, Maggie. The Bunny That Ate Ontario
LOL! Are you going to keep it?

If'll be the biggest bunny to eat the rockies, lol.<br /><br />__________ Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:51 am __________<br /><br />Ok, that was me trying to be funny. I will let Ann handle that from now on...
LOL, you guys are pretty funny! :lol:

Pudge is not a were-bunny, y'know.

Sage fed him this morning but I think she'd like to wean him soon. He will be three weeks old on Wednesday and if she has more buns in the oven from Jasper's untimely attentions, they're only a week away.