Meatloaf/pie Update

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He brought them with him to town, wish I could have gone and saw them. I have a feeling they where kept loose in the barn with other animals. They stink!! That was the first thing I noticed. It's like urine and farm animals(not the strong rabbit smell). I did give the buck a bit of a sponge bath to get some of the stuff(his feet have a lot of caked on mud) off him. I ivermectin them both so that should treat creepy crawlies inside and out.
His nose looks clean so I'll keep an eye on his eyes. If not I think I have some colidal silver left over from my last eye infection.
I'm sure you will care for them and after about a month these rabbits will look a lot healthier, by the way the doe looks like what we here in the states call a Jackrabbit. :smashdreams:
I took him inside to have a look at his eyes and I don't see any hair loss or sweeping. Maybe they where just irritated?

I gave him a good brushing, he's got some scars on him. Poor guy he's going to live alone unless it's "date" night!

The breeder did give me a 30 day gaurentee, so that helps. He's a friendly rabbit, doesn't mind being picked up and bothered. I'll give him a few days and see how he does.

I think he is chinchilla pointed? I'll figure that out when he's better and I start getting some popples :)
I, for one, am glad you got those rabbits. They'll be in much better hands now. Hopefully, the buck will recover easily and give you lots of offspring.

Congrats on your new additions!
Hmm... in the above pic, it doesn't appear that there is hairloss- he just seems to have very wide margins around his eyes.

Good food, a clean environment, and loving care will hopefully be all he needs to become fit again.
looks like very big ears! makes me think there is flemish in both of them...?

look pretty good though. some good food and cleanin and they'll be right as rain :) congrats on the new buns. even if not exactly what ya thought you were gettin.
Brushed Meatloaf off again this morning, he looks much better. He is pretty dusty.
"My Box!"

Pie ate all her pellets, so I refilled them. Meatloaf only ate about 1/4 of a cup. He's got timothy hay, alfalfa cubes and pellets with some oats mixed in.
What a difference being clean makes! :p

He looks much better already. :D

Does he have a water crock or a bottle? If he isn't drinking enough he wont eat much either.

You might want to give him a crock for a bit if he doesn't have one.
He does have a crock of water and it was 1/2 full this morning too. It's still hitting the freezing mark during the night so I have not brough out the water bottles yet.
I use ceramic souffle dishes for water and food.<br /><br />__________ Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:49 pm __________<br /><br />Update!
Meatloaf he's up to 11 lbs now!

Pie, she is 6/5 lbs she had a stillborn/miscarriage yesterday so I'll re breed her and hope the next one is better! She's a little long/leaner then I want maybe I'll keep back a better doe from her :)

Wow, Meatloaf looks great!

I think Pie has more of the body shape of the Flemish, but her poor start kind of stunted her growth. I had one doe who really broadened out after her first litter, so maybe she will do the same as she matures a bit more.

Good luck with the next litter- I hope you get a doe with better width and growth! :clover:
I hope so too! I was thinking of sending her to FC and just working with what I have now. I'll let her have another litter and see how that goes :)
Meatloaf is a sweety too he likes head rubs and kisses. When his breeding days are done he is going to be a pet :)
Pie is due now with her 2nd chance litter so hope it goes well. If not she's off to FC!

I went to feed and found Meatloaf belly up and dead... :( I guess that is what I get for buying bad stock... I have 10 week old litter sired from him so i'll hold back a male to replace him.
I always liked this one! His one ear up and one down! I tell him daily I wish you where a girl! So he's going to be the keeper he is bigger then his brothers too. So this is Meatloaf Jr!
So curiosity got to me, it looks like his large intestines burst.
I'm just posting a link to the picture of what I found when I cut him open : ... 020-23.jpg

Foxes, eagles etc have been in this area, so I wonder if something scared him. He did get into a fight with a doe last weekend. I had wanted to breed one last litter but she was in no mood at all.<br /><br />__________ Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:25 pm __________<br /><br />I would prefer both ears lopped but Jr is cute the way he is now too!