My mommy maizy has a large hard lump on her upper right teat. I've been slowly, and I really do consider 5/9 kits in 2 weeks slowly, been weening them from her. This spot on her doesn't seem to be going away though. I've been giving her apples with Sage on top to try and dry her up but I don't think its working out. I'm afraid its Mastitis but my wife says she thinks they are just really bad clogged milk ducts. I hope she's right. I've been expressing milk from her every day and there is a LOT in there.
Should I express all of it? DW says not to because that will make her body think to produce more but that is a large spot. It is easily 2 inches long by 1 inch wide.
Should I express all of it? DW says not to because that will make her body think to produce more but that is a large spot. It is easily 2 inches long by 1 inch wide.