Mamma Nacho is due! UPDATE She kidded baby photos page 1

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Well momma's name is Nacho, got any idea what your going to name the wee ones Dayna? :)
Yes, the lady that will be taking the boy decided on Macho Nacho. :) And my hubby named the girl Annabelle. Nothing going along with nacho. sigh, but he named her and I guess that's final! lol
Twins! How sweet! "The woman who'll be taking the boy..."

Did you *know* she was carrying twins?

Will you be making goat-milk cheese after the twins start to back off from their nursing?
I had no idea there would be twins. I thought only one baby. She was given to me pregnant. I've coveted this goat from the day I met her on my "goat in laws" farm. I said "if you EVER wanna rehome Macha (was her name then) PLEASE let me buy her". Well she gave her to me for free! AND she saw her get covered by her stud goatie. Actually she gave me her and her other daughter. :)

When I brought her home I told my hubby what her name was and he kept calling her Nacho Mamma and Nacho Junior (Mamma Macha and Baby Macha were their names). Well they came to those names too!

So when I told my "goat in law" about it she was thrilled. She said "you made them yours". :)

Anyway, being a feral goatie, I was worried she'd be stand offish, but shes soooo fabulous and sweet. She loves to be petted, but is not afraid to butt me so I have to be respectful. If I touch her udders or feet without warning her that I'm getting ready to do it, she'll rear around and stab me with those beautiful horns. I do not allow children around her because of this.

Anyway, she's kidded several times and never had a boy. So my "goat in law" said, if she has a boy can I have him? OF COURSE! She gave me this wondrous creature who I adore totally. Now she has a Macho Nacho to pass on the family lines on her farm. :)<br /><br />__________ Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:50 pm __________<br /><br />I have to say that Mamma Nacho is the best gift anyone has ever given me. She's the gift that keeps on giving!
She really has a toggenburg look to her but those horns are magnificent! Your babies are adorable. I have a Nigerian doe due in December and she is already wider than she is tall. I would expect there to be triplets and possibly quads.
Awww LOL Those are cute names! So glad the lil Macho Nacho is going back to his roots and carrying on the family genes and lil Annabelle is staying with you. Sweet! :)