Lost a Chicken today....

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Half-Pint Homestead

Active member
Feb 28, 2013
Reaction score
I went out to do my morning chores and found one of my hens lying dead in the pen. She hadn't acted sick yesterday and I couldn't see any injuries so who knows.... It was Really hot yesterday, but the pen is in the shade most of the day and they always have fresh water.

So now I only have 2 hens. I really need 4 to give us enough eggs.

Goodbye Hermia....

Sorry about that HalfPint. I have lost two over the last few months- no reason for their loss either. Sometimes, it just happens. It's not fun.

*fingers crossed for the rest of your girls*
I prefer it when there's an obvious reason... hate the mystery thing.

However; I grew up on a ranch in Wyoming and the first thing you learn about having animals is that when you have livestock... you also have deadstock.

Thanks for the kind remarks.

Poor little hen. :( I hate the mystery deaths too.

I hope you can find a couple more hens. Maybe post a wanted ad on CL.
So sorry! {{{hugs}}} I lost a buck yesterday too...first adult loss in a long time.
Awww so sorry to both Half-Pint Homestead and OneAcreFarm for your losses. :(
Sorry for your loss :(

It's definitely scary when an animal dies for no apparent reason. We lost a lovely buck a few months back and it was very unexpected. He was young and seemingly healthy, then one day just dead in his cage. Then about a week after that our Tom turkey died. He could have had a heart attack as he was a rather large BB white and I honestly didn't expect him to last as long as he did, he was a little over a year old. But both incidents made me go through the mental checklist of "did I give them something they shouldn't have had? Did I miss something I should have noticed? Are the other animals sick?"

Everything worked out alright and we haven't had any losses after those but it's true that you can never be 100% sure that your livestock will be there tomorrow and if doesn't make the losses any easier. :(
So sorry to hear that, OneAcreFarm! :(<br /><br />__________ Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:29 pm __________<br /><br />And you are so right, Pepperoni...