Long Sad Day which Had A Great Ending

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2012
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New Jersey
Started out yesterday returning our Flemish Rubeus because of his jaw problem. The breeder was very upset once he saw the condition our Flemish was in. We found out the breeder's uncle is a Vet and promised us that Rubeus's teeth would be clipped within an hour. It was really tough to leaving him. I have to say my husband really took it bad. He really was truly enamored of the Big Bunny.

I had done some research before, looking for Flemish rabbits and had found a Breeder that only bred purebred Flemish Giants. I had the info with me for some reason and my husband said give him a call. Right now. So as we were in Strausburg, getting a bite a eat, I did so. The breeder was very nice and invited us to his place. He had 15 bunnies that we could look at.

Well, what a set up. A big pole barn (50 foot by 100 foot) with crates, not piled on each other, but in line, each one was approximately 5 feet off the floor, with the slanted "poop shoot". These crates were at least, I would say 4 foot by at least 6 foot. They were large and each rabbit had his own space. And what rabbits he had. White, Blue, Fawn, Sandy, Gray. No odor, completely ventilated. The breeder explained that he supplied Show quality flemish throughout the East Coast. He showed us his breeding stock, his newest litter of 3 week olds, which were so cute, small enough to put in your pocket, and absolutely friendly. They demanded attention.

And we found our new Flemish. Yep, that's right, we now have a new 7 week old Flemish Boy. Who now carries the name of Fawkes. Fawkes's Dad is a Sandy. Big ole man, as the breeder stated. Actually 10 years old. Unbelievable. And truly friendly. Have to say, all his rabbits were. Mom is a beautiful Fawn. So we are really interested to see what Fawkes turns out to be. He has coloring that could go either way.

No photos yet. Emotionally drained right now. Letting Fawkes settle in. He is one handsome bunny. With no teeth issues, no jaw issues, no ear issues. Truly healthy. Has pooped, peed, ate and drank. And every time you go in to his "quarantined" room, the ears go up and he is curious. No shying away, or hiding.

Can't wait to show off our Fawkes.

Im sorry about Rubeus, i know how excited you were to bring him home ): but im glad you found a grest breeder, sounds like his rabbits may be a lot happier and healthier if he has a breeding buck at 10! Its amazing what a good pet you can get from a breeder who takes the time to socislize their babys!

Looking forward to pics
It sounds like Rubeus will get some help and be well taken care of by the breeder but I know that had to be so difficult returning him. It sounds like fate that you were there, called the other breeder and they invited you right out. I'm glad your husband pushed to call the other breeder. Sometimes guys are perfect for just taking action instead of over thinking it like us women tend to do.

Fawkes sounds wonderful! Am patiently waiting for a picture when you get time. :)
Fawkes is settling in really well. Here's some pics of our new Big Guy.




Still sad here in the Z-Tribe for the loss of Rubeus. But Fawkes is helping us get over the loss with his true Flemish ways.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and look forward to truly enjoying Fawkes and watching him grow into the "Gentle Giant" we so much want to experience.

I love his coloring, very handsome!

He looks so sweet and gentle, just beautiful!
Every life has a purpose, so maybe Rubeus' was to introduce you to the sweet nature of Flemmies.

Fawkes is lovely- he has beautiful coloring. Good luck with the new little-big-guy! :)
Which breeder was this? I live in PA, so NJ is a not-too-terrible roadtrip for me :) I've been contemplating getting a Flemish for awhile.
Congrats on the new addition! He is such a gorgeous little fawn! You are making me want a giant bunny that i can cuddle! Frank definitely doesn't like to be cuddled. :( maybe a giant angora hmmm
Thanks everyone. He's just so sweet. My husband is now addicted. They are bonding fast. Don't tell him I said that, lol.

The breed is just amazing. And what a great addition to our tribe.

Starsider, actually went to PA, it's right on the border of New Jersey, known as Easton PA. Tony of Bunny Lane has an absolutely excellent set up and beautiful Flemishs. I'd recommend him to anyone who wants to experience the Flemish. If you are interested in checking him out, he's involved in this group who love Flemish.


Wildwolf, the breeder is going to do what he can for Rubeus, but the jaw is just too bad. My husband and I really didn't ask what would become of Rubeus, but I think it doesn't have to be said and we all know. The breeder is very humane and will not let any of his rabbits suffer. As I won't. A sad lesson learned.

BlueLove16":2vphmijb said:
Hes so pretty! I'll be interested to see what color he turns out to be, though

Love his coloring too. The breeder let us know that he would change, which we already knew when experiencing Dobby's changes. We told the breeder, it doesn't matter. Fawkes is healthy, good tempered, loves the human contact. All we were looking for in our Flemish.

Will be interesting to see in about 4 to 5 months. More interested in seeing him grow up healthy and happy. Truly a welcomed member to our Tribe.

BlueLove16":2kzdwl0e said:
hoping he gets along with everyone, whats your dog think of his new little buddy?

He's hasn't really met everyone yet. Still in quarantine. Jake is Jake, taking care of his bunnies. The first night Fawkes was here, Jake stayed with him. Made sure he was OK. He loves and protects his bunnies. Don't know why, he just does.

Gotta love those pooches you can trust with your rabbits! Glad to hear Fawkes is settling in well, and you're right, he does look a lot like my new bun!
