Long Sad Day which Had A Great Ending

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Bad Habit":lglha507 said:
Gotta love those pooches you can trust with your rabbits! Glad to hear Fawkes is settling in well, and you're right, he does look a lot like my new bun!


lol, looking forward to this weekend with my buns. Definitely will get more pics of my sweet Flemish. Hoping your big bun is doing well. And since she is now a he, what's his new name?

No name picked out yet. Been trying a few on for size, but nothing's really fit yet. I have a hard time picking names, I like something that suits the animal, and something that just clicks. Short and to the point. I've been calling him Pig, just because he needs something to be called other than "bunny", and it fits with the harry potter theme, lol.

Excited to see new pictures, though!! I gotta get around to taking new pics of the big boy.