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I love the livers. And the heart and the kidneys :cool:
I dredge them in flour and sauté, sometimes with onions, sometimes without
Better, not as grainy a texture and a milder taste. If you make a roué when you sauté them they make an awesome gravy
My dad getting rabbit livers when I was a teen is why I raise meat rabbits now. I prefer chicken and pork, when it comes to the body meat, but rabbit livers . . . yum! Coat them in sage, celery salt and pepper seasoned flour, and fry . . .
Wow, okay. Thank you. I am not a bit organ meat eater, but I was thinking of trying the livers. I wasn't sure if that was something anybody actually does, but it looks like it is. Great. I will have to try it.
Rabbit liver (also hearts and kidneys) are wonderful. I slice and saute in real butter and add a bit of salt and pepper. Do not overcook. You want them cooked through but not leathery.
Whatever you use will change the taste slightly, I change up what I fry in depending on what I feel like or have available
I usually take the part of the back between the loin and tailbone (it's mostly bone anyway)I boil that up with the liver, heart , kidneys and lungs, add pasley and seasonings for flavor and skim off the fat. I freeze it up and use it as stock when I make soup.
Nothing better then Fresh Rabbit liver I no longer eat chicken liver. I sautee in butter with mushrooms :-D yummmmmmmmy
Ok, this is a stupid question, but do you have to let organs "rest" before you eat them like you do meat? I have never actually eaten organs from anything I have butchered. Dog usually gets those.
Not a stupid question at all, CoffeeNut. I don't age the livers, kidneys and hearts. I usually cook them the day after butchering because on the "day of" we've had enough of dealing with rabbit meat. Organ eat does not seem to be affected with rigor mortis so no reason to age it.
Ok, thank you. The first time we butchered a chicken, I didn't even know about the "resting" process and I just went ahead and cooked it. It was terrible.
The hearts are usually very chewy. Always wondered about that until I saw in a post the other day that hearts (and gizzards) are muscle meat, not organ meat. :doh: That accounts for it. But all the same, I would not delay early cooking of the livers and kidneys because I really feel they are at their best eaten fresh.
The liver has the gallbladder on it. Look carefully and you will see a dark green, long skinny oval on the liver.

CAREFULLY cut it out and throw it away.

If you burst it just wash the liver really well.

The organ meat is one of the best reasons for having rabbits, its divine!

Just discovered if you gently fry sliced livers, hearts and kidneys with garlic until just done, dump in a can of cream of mushroom soup, thin it down with stock made from rabbit bones and add three generous spoonfuls of good sour cream it is the BEST liver stroganoff EVER!

Serve over pasta or mashed potatoes.
Somewhere I picked up a useful tip about removing the gall bladder. Grip the little white string (real scientific) that joins it to the liver between your finger and thumb and strip it away from the liver. I've never had one burst using this method.