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New member
Aug 19, 2022
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Hello! My mother and I raised satin rabbits several years back and then fell out of rabbit keeping. Now, having moved from a bad situation I am getting back into breeding and raising rabbits, this time mini rex. Currently I have 1 breeding age buck and 4 does. My breeding buck and my oldest doe are actually standard rex that I purchased young and were told that they were mini rex.

I found this forum looking for genetics answers to my buck. He's a black tri and I've gotten some interesting things out of him. His first litter came out exactly as I expected, bred to a red with unknown color backgrounds, he gave me a solid black, a solid chocolate, a red a black/red harlequin and a broken unknown color as it failed to thrive and died on day 2.
His recent litters to self chocolates have given me otters, 2 broken chocolate otters and a broken black otter (along side misc. harlequins and tris). In one litter I did get a solid chocolate kit but I'm a bit confused on where the otter came from if he's passing self rabbits too.

From what I've read he needs to either have A_ and eje or he's ejej, but he's had a red kit so I don't think he's ejej. Am I missing something or is he a wizard giving me cute little otters from nowhere?
Here is a Photo album (I don't know how else to share them atm) the first photo is the only picture I have of his past red kit with a red doe. The second is Mister, the buck who's genetics I'm questioning. The others are a broken black otter, a broken chocolate otter, a broken castor(from a red doe), a solid chocolate and a solid black that are all his kits (I only have the one adult buck). The mothers of the choclates and blacks are both solid chocolate does with no variation in coat and are not related.
Guys with more knowledge than myself will surely be along soon to answer your questions. Thanks for the photos.