lionheads for fur?

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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now i dont even have my buns until sunday and wont even be thinking about butchering any for quite a while. and i know they are small. but since they are so fuzzy i thought they might make some cool things from their furs. especially a "teddy" type. though i'm not sure if i got one i would be willing to part with such an adorable fuzzball ;)
any thoughts on this? thanks!
maybe you can come up with a way to shear them like a sheep! :) hmmm, now you'll need a loom. n/m lol
I have butchered many ex-pet lion heads but so far, the hides are in the freezer instead of nicely tanned.

They do make great meat though. Granted they are smaller than a NZ but they are MUCH BIGGER than a quail. ;)
Thanks GBov, your information on lion heads as meat was definitely something I didn't think of. I always think big rabbits when it comes to meat.

OGG, if you want pelts from the butchering, you will also want to butcher at an older age, once the adult fiber has come in as younger pelts are difficult to tan properly from what I have researched.
ZRabbits":2dtc4ol5 said:
Thanks GBov, your information on lion heads as meat was definitely something I didn't think of. I always think big rabbits when it comes to meat.


You are welcome ZRabbits :D

I started in rabbits in a rather odd way so am quite use to eating any size of rabbit but you are right, so many people have it stuck in their heads that only big rabbits are worth eating. Its really strange. I mean, squirrels and quail are tiny but are eaten so why not a two pound rabbit? Or a three or four pounder?

As of yet I haven't processed any of the hides I have but I did find when skinning that older rabbits have MUCH tougher hides so perhaps its true that older hides make better fur. If you want hides to practice on just keep an eye on CL, you can pick up really cheap older ex pet rabbits up for a song.
I love the thick fur on the 'double mane' lionheads, very nice. For small things, it would make a nice fur.
ChickiesnBunnies":iqvpqd4n said:
I love the thick fur on the 'double mane' lionheads, very nice. For small things, it would make a nice fur.

Or lots of them for something big ;)
sounds interesting. i was thinking if there was a way to preserve a lop and stuff it like teddy bear? hope that doesn't sound too weird.
skysthelimit":3owkgdqx said:
i was thinking if there was a way to preserve a lop and stuff it like teddy bear?

Taxidermists remove all the bones and replace with an artificial skeletal structure, so you would skin the entire bunny and then stuff it once the hide has been tanned... add glass eyes, and voila! Bunny-bear! The ears will get brittle over time.

Just promise me you wont have it sitting on your lap while you watch TV. :twisted:
MamaSheepdog":26ccr4b4 said:
skysthelimit":26ccr4b4 said:
i was thinking if there was a way to preserve a lop and stuff it like teddy bear?

Taxidermists remove all the bones and replace with an artificial skeletal structure, so you would skin the entire bunny and then stuff it once the hide has been tanned... add glass eyes, and voila! Bunny-bear! The ears will get brittle over time.

Just promise me you wont have it sitting on your lap while you watch TV. :twisted:

lol, I have a Bunny Bear, but he's alive and loves watching TV.

I'm more into thinking meat than fur. Would need lots of lion heads to make anything because they so small. But they would definitely be good for dog food or a snack for a snake.
