Leaky Water Valves

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
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I bought the valves for my automatic water system from BASS. Some of them have been leaking, which I attributed to the freezes we had this winter, but the valves affected are too random for that to be the cause.

I removed the leaky ones and wrapped the threads with teflon tape and re-inserted them. That fixed about half of them. The others were still leaking from the valve stem itself. I wanted to fully dismantle them, but the end cap is a rather soft plastic and I fear I will cause more damage trying to remove it. I soaked them in vinegar, which fixed a few more.

So... what to do now? :?

The leaking water has diluted the urine sufficiently to reduce the ammonia levels, but the BunnyBarn now smells like a brewery- the hay and grain seem to be fermenting! :beer2:
Well, the chickens are happy anyway- I gave them the stuff I raked out (because there were earwigs in it) before taking it off to my sheet composting project. When last seen, they had installed a disco ball in the coop, and were singing karaoke. :band: The roosters were getting surly, so I am about to go check for bar brawls.
If you have really hard water, that could definitely cause problems. I'm waiting for all the parts to arrive to build an auto-system of my own, so if you have any tips I'm all ears!
There's a very tiny O-ring inside. Along with a small spring. It takes only the smallest particulate to cause a leak. You may try spinning the valve stem with the tips of your fingers. That action may dislodge the piece enough to allow a complete seal.

I usually keep a half/dozen extras on hand for those types of problems. They can be taken apart with a small pair of needle-nose pliers and reworked/repaired. Do your repairs over a towel laid out flat on your work surface. That way the small pieces won't bounce around and get misplaced/lost.
