Klubertanz J-Clips Help

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Miss M

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Jan 20, 2010
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So I go to the Klubertanz site to order new floors and J-clips, so I can have heavier wire on the floors and J-clips that are not junk to attach them with. The clips seem to hold the rest of the cage together, but not the floor.

Anyway, I was not expecting six different kinds of J-clips! :shock: What do I get? I'm figuring I should not get the ones that have 592 or 1,000 clips in a pound, but that leaves four choices:

5/16" X ½" Standard J-Clip; Zinc Plated .. R200 . 380 ... $2.90/lb
3/8" X 5/8" Clips; Zinc Plated .................. R400 . 300 ... $2.90/lb
5/16" X 9/16" Light J-Clips ...................... RDL6 . 592 ... $2.70/lb
5/16" X ½" Stainless Steel Clip ................ R430 . 350 ... $7.50/lb
3/8" X 5/8" Stainless Steel Clip ................ R995 . 300 ... $7.50/lb
5/16" X ½" Aluminum Clip ........................ R111 . 1,100 . $7.45/lb

OneAcreFarm, you got the R200 last Feb, right? How are they holding up?

And does anybody know where their floor supports are?
They are fantastic! :goodjob: Not a spec of rust and once they are on...very hard to come loose. Now ask me about the ones I got from TSC.... :evil:
Really? Wow! I honestly thought the zinc would corrode! Nice to hear they don't come off, either. :p

Mine came from Bass. I'm probably about as happy with them as you are with the TSC ones. :x

That's what I wanted to know... I'll be placing my order *ahem* later... gotta go get busy on dinner! Didn't realize the time! :eek:<br /><br />__________ Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:54 pm __________<br /><br />Oh -- and I found "floor supports" on page 18... I hadn't looked there before, because that was for stackables. Are those regular cage supports? I thought the support was a heavy-gauge wire. How do these things go on the cage?
Guess go with the heaviest gauge. Aluminum shouldn't rust, but I had a feeder of it years ago and it sure rusted...
Stainless steel, I guess.
Asked my beloved Shay for his input, and he wants me to go with the stainless. So stainless it is! I was going to go with the zinc-plated ones you have, OneAcreFarm, until I brought it up with him. :lol:
I use stainless. I spend a little extra on the details and they last much longer, stay nicer and make things a little easier. When comparing my cages, hardware, auto watering system, etc. to a friend's setup (who pinches pennies on every level) is the difference between night and day. 2 years from now mine will still be very nice. His will need replacing. Find the best deals, but don't skimp on quality.

For j-clips I've used both stainless and zinc. Both seem to have certain advantages. I don't think you'll go wrong with either, but still think stainless is a little better quality.
Miss M":1iew4jxq said:
Can you put stainless ones on with a normal J-Clip tool (which I already have)?
You should be able to. If you're clipping a lot, use padded gloves. It will save your hand from a lot of hurtin' when you're done.
I have been using the rings too repair my floors and i love them.
curlysue":2t48dvmx said:
I have been using the rings too repair my floors and i love them.

If I had to make more cages, I would go with this....

Cartridge Ringer.jpg

The J Clip Applier made me feel like a 100 yo woman with arthritis in every joint of my hands for a week after making 5 cages. :wheelcha:<br /><br />__________ Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:34 am __________<br /><br />
OneAcreFarm":2t48dvmx said:
curlysue":2t48dvmx said:
I have been using the rings too repair my floors and i love them.

If I had to make more cages, I would go with this....

The Wire Cutters and J Clip Applier made me feel like a 100 yo woman with arthritis in every joint of my hands for a week after making 5 cages. :wheelcha:
I was wondering about the rings, but I think I'll still go with the clips. I already have the tool, and ILoveBunnies and I can swap out using it.

Thanks, AZ Rabbits, for the tip about wearing gloves! I will certainly do that!
Miss M":2z72jt6j said:
I was wondering about the rings, but I think I'll still go with the clips. I already have the tool, and ILoveBunnies and I can swap out using it.

Thanks, AZ Rabbits, for the tip about wearing gloves! I will certainly do that!

You DEFINITELY want to wear gloves or you will have blisters for days! :twisted:
On a related note, they sell a j-clip removal tool... but I have found that the pliers used to put the clips on takes them off as well. Angle the tool so you can get the top and bottom "prongs" inside the j-clip, and squeeze it to spread it apart.
OneAcreFarm":kffdh75p said:
Miss M":kffdh75p said:
I was wondering about the rings, but I think I'll still go with the clips. I already have the tool, and ILoveBunnies and I can swap out using it.

Thanks, AZ Rabbits, for the tip about wearing gloves! I will certainly do that!

You DEFINITELY want to wear gloves or you will have blisters for days! :twisted:
Last time I put together 16 cages one weekend. My hands felt like they'd gotten run over by a semi. I only had gloves the 2nd half of assembly. At the end, you're hurting pretty bad and using your knees, the floor and everything else for leverage. I was too stubborn to rest because I HAD to get them done and out of the way...

If you're assembling a lot, the gloves with a big pad in the palm is helpful. Well worth the $10 to $15 for the good gloves, which will last a while too.
AZ Rabbits":9n1nefyo said:
OneAcreFarm":9n1nefyo said:
Miss M":9n1nefyo said:
I was wondering about the rings, but I think I'll still go with the clips. I already have the tool, and ILoveBunnies and I can swap out using it.

Thanks, AZ Rabbits, for the tip about wearing gloves! I will certainly do that!

You DEFINITELY want to wear gloves or you will have blisters for days! :twisted:
Last time I put together 16 cages one weekend. My hands felt like they'd gotten run over by a semi. I only had gloves the 2nd half of assembly. At the end, you're hurting pretty bad and using your knees, the floor and everything else for leverage. I was too stubborn to rest because I HAD to get them done and out of the way...

If you're assembling a lot, the gloves with a big pad in the palm is helpful. Well worth the $10 to $15 for the good gloves, which will last a while too.

Oh my goodness! My hands are hurting just thinking about that! 5 was bad enough! Between cutting the 14g wire and using the JClip appliers, my poor hands were almost unusable! :x
Miss M":2mj8aq4m said:
Asked my beloved Shay for his input, and he wants me to go with the stainless. So stainless it is! I was going to go with the zinc-plated ones you have, OneAcreFarm, until I brought it up with him. :lol:

Miss M, anyone who tries to sell you on the myth that "stainless steel will not rust" needs to be placed into selected disregard. While it may not rust as quickly as many other metals, it WILL rust. I see it routinely in the world of firearms.

I'd personally select the zinc-coated j-clips. Zinc, after all, is what is normally used in galvanization of metal.

And if I could make one more suggestion, it would be to get a set of GOOD j-clip pliers from Klubertanz while you're placing the order. The ones I just bought set me back $15, and I wish I had just bucked up and bought them the first time around. I built some wire hay racks with them earlier in the week, and WOW, what difference it made.
SatinsRule":1ek11fef said:
Miss M":1ek11fef said:
Asked my beloved Shay for his input, and he wants me to go with the stainless. So stainless it is! I was going to go with the zinc-plated ones you have, OneAcreFarm, until I brought it up with him. :lol:

Miss M, anyone who tries to sell you on the myth that "stainless steel will not rust" needs to be placed into selected disregard. While it may not rust as quickly as many other metals, it WILL rust. I see it routinely in the world of firearms.

I'd personally select the zinc-coated j-clips. Zinc, after all, is what is normally used in galvanization of metal.

And if I could make one more suggestion, it would be to get a set of GOOD j-clip pliers from Klubertanz while you're placing the order. The ones I just bought set me back $15, and I wish I had just bucked up and bought them the first time around. I built some wire hay racks with them earlier in the week, and WOW, what difference it made.

Yep, my thoughts exactly. After 15 years working with stainless steel surgical equipment, I can tell you that it CAN and WILL rust if left in the elements. I chose the zinc coated because it is the same as the wire. Get the good appliers and a pair of the cheapies...you will use the good ones for most everything but may need the cheapies in a tight spot where the thicker ones won't fit....can't remember who told me that, but it was good advice. Also, if you CAN, get two pair of the good ones. That way Shay can help and you don't have to fight over who gets the good pliers!
OneAcreFarm":17jgfvym said:
SatinsRule":17jgfvym said:
Miss M":17jgfvym said:
Asked my beloved Shay for his input, and he wants me to go with the stainless. So stainless it is! I was going to go with the zinc-plated ones you have, OneAcreFarm, until I brought it up with him. :lol:

Miss M, anyone who tries to sell you on the myth that "stainless steel will not rust" needs to be placed into selected disregard. While it may not rust as quickly as many other metals, it WILL rust. I see it routinely in the world of firearms.

I'd personally select the zinc-coated j-clips. Zinc, after all, is what is normally used in galvanization of metal.

And if I could make one more suggestion, it would be to get a set of GOOD j-clip pliers from Klubertanz while you're placing the order. The ones I just bought set me back $15, and I wish I had just bucked up and bought them the first time around. I built some wire hay racks with them earlier in the week, and WOW, what difference it made.

Yep, my thoughts exactly. After 15 years working with stainless steel surgical equipment, I can tell you that it CAN and WILL rust if left in the elements. I chose the zinc coated because it is the same as the wire. Get the good appliers and a pair of the cheapies...you will use the good ones for most everything but may need the cheapies in a tight spot where the thicker ones won't fit....can't remember who told me that, but it was good advice. Also, if you CAN, get two pair of the good ones. That way Shay can help and you don't have to fight over who gets the good pliers!
Well, the stainless ones are already ordered, but we are under no impression that stainless steel does not rust. The water where we lived in Florida caused my Oneida to pit and rust. I finally turned to restaurant-grade stainless to retard the effects of the highly-corrosive water! :shock:

We have six cages that need new floors, and we'll be doing three of them during the week. That will leave three that will need doing when we empty the rabbitry to redo the chutes and gutters. So this really shouldn't be that bad. I can probably do at least two of those three during the week, too, come to think of it. The one with Fluffy and Nibbles in it... well... Fluffy is a real handful. Then again, I could put Fluffy and Nibbles into a carrier for a bit... hmmmm... I could have all this floor stuff done at my leisure, and not at the same time we're trying to do chutes! :cool:

I also didn't see this before placing my order, so... no new pliers. Hopefully, taking it a bit at a time will keep my hands from becoming unusable.

MamaSheepdog":17jgfvym said:
On a related note, they sell a j-clip removal tool... but I have found that the pliers used to put the clips on takes them off as well. Angle the tool so you can get the top and bottom "prongs" inside the j-clip, and squeeze it to spread it apart.
I think I get what you're saying. I'll get my pliers tomorrow and have a look at them. That sure would be nice! :p

I really appreciate all the tips and input! I'll have to cross my fingers on the stainless, since they're already on the way! Guess I'll be the RT guinea pig for these clips!
Miss M":3anloybo said:
I think I get what you're saying. I'll get my pliers tomorrow and have a look at them. That sure would be nice! :p

I really appreciate all the tips and input! I'll have to cross my fingers on the stainless, since they're already on the way! Guess I'll be the RT guinea pig for these clips!

I am sure they will be just fine! Anything with iron in it will eventually rust, so it's all good! :)