kits top 1#!

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2011
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Well, I've been weighing my kits in ounces every Sunday night. The first week, (one week old) their weights ranged from 10.3 to 7.3. Second week, the range spread from 11.8 to 7.7. I was concerned about the little one, but now think the extra exersize of exploring the out-of-the-box world may have distracted from milk seeking. Then, yesterday the range went from 18.2 to 12.7, with the runt being the only one under 16 oz.

After the weigh in, I released them in the pantry, mainly hoping they'd clean up all the pellets they'd kicked out of the cage. They discovered new speed settings they didn't know they had! Amazing how they zipped around. I got them a bowl of water and sat on the floor. The runt, Blondie, got her nose a bit deep in the water dish and spent a few minutes rubbing her face with both front paws, so cute. And the chocolate can sit up on her back legs for a really long time--she was looking into the cage. Mom got herself between the wall and the newly shorn buck's cage, but the kits still found her for snacks. They did eventually settle down and clean up their spilled pellets. I changed out the cardboard resting floor and filled all the dishes before putting them all back in the cage for the night, letting mama be last so she could have a few minutes to herself.

I think Tulip got herself bred-back about the end of week 1, to the previously shorn buck...who was growing back his under-wool in the warmth and comfort of the pantry. At least it was a pedigreed SA....but I really wouldn't have minded some EA crosses for wooler-mutts.
Awwww, it is so fun to watch them when they get their first open space to try their legs out! I just put a litter of 3 week olds in a bigger corral and they are just hilarious!

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