Kit countdown begins(any time now) ...nest box in!!

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2013
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new england
Well im at the home stretch of my agonizing journey, I had an earlier post but now that im close I figure I will start a count down with pics...My back story is I bought a 16lb FG (non papered)Doe June 1st and had her Bred before I picked her up, over a 4 hour period go a papered sandy 25lb papered buck, My dilemma (if you can call it that) is I hate palpating cause Im scared to squish her and I cant feel anything significant, and I cant tell if shes bred or not, although she has gained weight from what I can see but I dont know if it is because Ive been feeding her a little extra and/or more than the person I got her from, If I had to bet I would say shes preg, when shes eating and I feel her sides below her ribs her tummy hangs out and is hard, not saggy, This is the first time I havent been able to tell mostly cause Ive never had a FG shes so long that they could very well be lined up in there un noticed lol here is a pic I took of her yesterday which is her 3 week mark.

Her name is Panda and such a sweet girl

__________ Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:15 pm __________

I know I sound neurotic, Thank you everyone


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Thanks, No clue she def is mostly flemish, I wonder what else?...shes 16 lbs almost 3 ft long when she lays down lol, I cant tell is shes preg, but I think so when I touch her stomach she shes laying down i feel lumpy thing in there?? what do you think she could be mixed with, Im not good on genetics, but flemish throw solids, so maybe shes a checkered giant mix??<br /><br />__________ Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:13 pm __________<br /><br />Does she look preg to you?
Rabbits don't tend to show that they are pregnant like humans do. If you can feel lumps, almost like marbles, than she is probably pregnant. If you can't feel anything, than she is most likely not pregnant.

Good luck! :D soon find out,,,I feel bad its so hot out for them! hopefully shell have a few :)....If not it'll have to wait until it cools down

__________ Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:59 pm __________

Its so hot today, I feel bad, She hates frozen bottles.... so I wet her ears, and left the bottle in her hutch anyway....would there be a change in her "area" before kindling?` hers looks normal and pink...

__________ Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:23 pm __________

__________ Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:28 pm __________

<br /><br />__________ Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:28 pm __________<br /><br />


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Thanks for all the input! I really thought some places just have rabbits like this. They are truly beautiful! There's plenty more pics if any want to see.
silver fox is a good possibility!! thanks for the link!!! i hope she is cause im goin on vaca first week in aug... so i couldnr rebreed first weekof july

__________ Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:57 pm __________

goin to check on her in a bit I worked 10 hrs on my feet....daddy needs to lay down for 20 min,,,, ugh my back!!

__________ Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:28 pm __________

Does their hair become loose....her hair is molting or something....shes due sunday<br /><br />__________ Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:03 am __________<br /><br />Nosigns of nesting yet***sigh***....nest box is goin in tommorrow
just got out of work...another 10 hour long day on my feet ughgh, just sat down, im too young to feel this sore, goin to check on her in a bit, if she doesnt kindle this time, one more try and shes goin in the freezer lol

__________ Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:47 pm __________

AND Thank you!!

__________ Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:59 pm __________

Somethings def. up with her, I had to pet her for about 30 mi straight, loved it on the side of her cheek, she actually had her eyes roll back and was on her side almost on her back lol lol...when I stopped she did binkies and nudged me again for more lol lol

__________ Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:32 pm __________

__________ Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:33 pm __________

Shes getting bigger I think almost there...this is her after a 30 min scratch and massage lol she was like putty in my hands... I swear I felt something kick... I hop Im not just being hopeful But I DID FEEL SOMETHING

__________ Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:35 pm __________<br /><br />__________ Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:40 pm __________<br /><br />I put the nest box in, shes been sctratching around the hutch like crazzy, she hasnt been carrying around the hay but she funneled out the nest box?? and scratched in there


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no hay carrying yet, but scratching the floors like crazy and funneling out the nest box lol. and her hair is sooo loose......Im getting hopeful !! ;)<br /><br />__________ Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:19 pm __________<br /><br />Almost in the next day or so!!!!!! :popcorn: I keep checking up on her whule im feeding the chickens :feedchicken: she just looks at me like "oh its you agian" :crazyfrog: lol ,,,,

Im gonna be rolling around my bed dreaming of popples lol :countsheep:
Flemishstar":1yqi9cmm said:
I keep checking up on her whule im feeding the chickens :feedchicken: she just looks at me like "oh its you agian" :crazyfrog: lol ,,,,

Popple stalker! :sneaky2:
Guilty as charged lol....On my last stalk I was watching from the side of the chicken coop...we made eye contact...she stomped her foot... I walked away lol<br /><br />__________ Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:31 pm __________<br /><br />:popcorn: Im still waiting...
:countsheep: I had a dream that I went to check the nest box and it was full of but TONS of em over 20 hahaha could only dream
Thank you......Im gonna burst!!! really I am...I just talked to a breederof FG who said her does always kindle on day gonna have a seizure lol :explode: :explode:

__________ Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:22 pm __________

....still nothing

__________ Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:54 am __________

Ok todays day 30 and nothing yet!!!! I sure hope shes bred,,,,cause if not It will really add insult to injury...Ill have to start another thread about how I got ripped off!! lol...i guess some go up to 33 days so im giving her until sunday<br /><br />__________ Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:39 pm __________<br /><br />NO DIce
Beautifull doe.
Last week I purchased one that is 5 month and loos like that and I was told she has an FG dad and Silver Fox mom.
In few more months she will be mated to a FG male.
You will have 8 this weekend.
really I think she must be that mix also...but shes def FG Body type shes almost 3 ft long !!! laying down....and is heavy...Shes no gentile too thats why I wanna give her another shot....I just wish It was so DARN hot out...its prob makin the bucks sterile and the does reabsorb their kits!!